24 hour curse (Belphegor x child reader)

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(This picture does not belong to me. This for the 1k views, so it's a longer chapter!)


"Woah!" I moved out of the way as a mountain of books came tumbling down next to me.

"I told you to be more careful." Satan shook his head.

"Maybe you could clean your damn books up more often." I sighed as I picked up a few books.

I had agreed to help Satan organize his book filled room, but it was a huge challenge with so many books around.

"Why didn't I ask to clean someone else's room? Like Belphie's and Beel's room! Well, I would be distracted by-"

"Hmm? This book looks weird." A single book stood out from the rest.

It had a light blue cover, and caught my eye immediately. I picked it up, and I was blinded by a white light.

3rd POV

Satan had noticed that Y/N had gotten quiet, so he turned around to look at her.

However, she was nowhere to be found.

"Y/N? Where are-?" Something tugged at Satan's pantleg.

The blonde demon look down to see two large E/C looking up at him.

"Why you big?" She cutely tilted her head to the side.

"Oh my Devildom....Y/N, is that you?" Satan was dumbfounded. How did she get so small?

"Yep!" She grinned. Satan noticed the book that the little girl was holding.

"Y/N, can I see that book please?" She nodded, and held the book up.

It only took one glance for Satan to realize what had happened. He sighed.

"Come on Y/N. We need to have an emergency meeting." She tilted her head to the side.

"Eme.....emermeny meeting?" Y/N tried pronouncing the word, but she had some trouble.

You see, she still kept her memories of the brother. Though her brain was like a child's.

She didn't understand big words, and didn't realize what she had exactly done.

"Heh. Yes, let's go." Satan said as he walked out the door.

The little girl tried her best to keep up with Satan as he briskly walked as he texted his brothers.

When they got to the living room the brothers were already waiting for them.

Y/N started thinking that what she did was bad. Like she was going to get in trouble.

So she stayed outside the room and peeked in front the doorway.

"What's the emergency?" Lucifer asked.

"Well, Y/N asked to help me clean up my room. She accidentally touched a cursed book..." Everyone tensed up.

"Y/N can you please come in here?" Satan looked at the doorway as the little girl shyly walked in the room.

She was looking at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Wha?! She's a kid now?" Mammon exclaimed.

"Only temporarily. The curse should wear off in a day or so." Satan explained.

"I sowwy...." Y/N spoke in her small voice.

"Aww it's fine because you're so cute! Come here Y/N." Asmo kneeled down.

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