Where I belong (Mammon x corrupted angel reader)

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(This was requested by TotallyNotAvara)


"Demons and Angels were never supposed to get along, or even be together. Does that make me a mistake?

Where do I belong in this universe? Will anyone accept me for being like this? Probably not."

I looked down at my desk, thinking of all of these questions.

"Everyone just thinks I'm a normal angel, but I'm far from it. I'm an abomination.

I am not black or white, I am gray. The middle ground that Lord Diavolo is trying to get more people to see.

But people don't want to accept that, and if they knew what I was...they wouldn't accept me either."

"Yo Y/N!" Mammon yelled in my ear, and I covered it.

"Geez! What do you want?" I growled.

"I've been tryin' to get your attention for ages now! What're you thinkin' about?" Mammon asked.

"It's none of your business. Now, what do you want?" I asked again.

"I-I...wanted to see if ya wanted to hang out after school." His face became flushed.

"What's the catch?" If I knew anything, it's that there's usually a reason he wants to "hang out" with people.

"Why are ya bein' suspicious of me? Can't a guy just want to hang out with his friend?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Fine. I'll go with you. But if you pull anything, I'm leaving your ass to walk home yourself." I smirked.

"Wha?! Ya wouldn't do that to THE Mammon would ya?" He asked nervously.

"Try me." I looked right into his eyes.

"Fine...I won't pull anythin'. Well, I'm gonna go to clas now. See ya after school!" He waved as he left.

"He called me friend...? What a joke. If he saw my other form, he would abandon me immediately..."

The morning classes seemed to go by in a flash, and it was time for lunch. I grabbed my bag, and left the classroom.

"Hey look! It's that creepy loner girl." I glanced behind me.

A group of 3 guys were standing there, and they had smirks on their faces. I turned my head and ignored them.

"Hey! Get your ass back here!" One of the guys grabbed my shoulder, and whipped me around.

"The hell do you want?" I asked in an irked tone. Trying not to get too mad or nervous.

"Don't talk to us like that angel! You must think you're high and mighty because you're a "pure" being." A guy with spiked hair said. I could tell he was the leader from his vibe.

"Honestly, you angels need to learn a lesson for coming to this school." One of the guys stepped closer.

"My body is trying to change forms, and let my inner demon out. I can feel my right eye changing..."

I covered my right eye with my hand, and glared at the guys in front of me.

"If you know what's best for you, you should turn around and act like this ever happened." I glared at them.

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