Best friend (Demon brothers x reader)

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(This was requested by fenglanning, as well as the song.

I want to mention before hand I haven't watched Haikyuu before, so if I mess up Oikawa's personality, which I probably will, I'm sorry. I'm using google as a reference.)


"Well, I guess this is it..." I looked towards the portal that led to the demon realm known as Devildom.

"You'll be just fine! After all, you're smart and beautiful. A few demons might even fall in love with you." Tooru Oikawa, my best friend, gave me his usual childish wink.

Even after all of these years, he still tries to act like this. We have a completely platonic relationship, but we're close.

"I'm not one of those girls at school you know. You don't need to act all flirty or childish with me." I smirked.

"Heh. I guess I will miss you. Only a little bit though. We'll see each other again in a year, so don't go crying on me." Tooru pulled me in for a quick hug. He was a few inches taller than me, so he had to bend down slightly.

"Idiot...." I managed to hold back my tears as I entered the portal, taking one last glance at my best friend.

-time skip a few months later-

"Y/N, the movie's about to start!" I heard Satan call from the other room. Today all of the brothers and me were going to watch a movie.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I yelled back as I finished tying up my hair. I looked in the mirror, and looked at the photo on the dresser of me and Tooru, and smiled sadly.

I took a deep breath before leaving the room to go watch the movie. Everyone was already sitting down somewhere.

"Yo Y/N! Sit next to me!" Mammon patted the seat next to him, which appeared to be the only seat available.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." I shook my head as I sat down. Asmo was on the other side of me, and he clung to my arm.

"Oh you look so cute with your hair up~" Asmo played with my ponytail, and I chuckled.

"I hardly look any different than I usually do." I've put my hair in ponytails so many times since coming here.

"Hey! Quit touchin' her!" Mammon swatted Asmo's hand away. Luckily, Asmo didn't accidentally tug on my hair.

"Will you be quiet so we can start the movie?" Satan grumbled. He seemed more annoyed than usual.

"For once we agree." Lucifer sighed as he watched the scene unfold. I sighed. Every day here was like this, but it's never boring.

We finally started the movie, and everyone went quiet. I leaned back in my seat a little to get more comfortable.

Some time past, and nothing too exciting happened in the movie. That is, until some music started playing in the background.

It was Best Friend by Rex Orange. It wasn't just some random song to me. Back when me and Tooru were kids, this was our favorite song.

He even used to try singing along with it, minus the cursing. It quickly became what we called our "best friend anthem."

As the song went on, I tried my best not to cry, but my hands started shaking. Soon, my body was trembling too.

"Y/N? Are you-?" Asmo started, but tears started streaming down my face. I quickly stood up and ran to my room.

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