She's/He's all mine pt 2 (Yandere Mammon x Yandere reader)

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(This was requested by TotallyNotAvara. This is a part two to a one shot from all the way back in May! Please go read the first part for context. There's going to be a lot of time skips in this.)


Me and Mammon walked back to the manor with me clinging to his arm tightly. It was as if the bloody body behind us didn't exist at all. Being with Mammon was all that mattered to me.

When we returned to the manor, Satan happened to be walking by. He gave us a curious look as his eyes traveled to our connected arms. Mammon just smirked as we started walking towards his room.

Once we got inside, we went over to the couch, and I snuggled up next to him. He started stroking my head softly as he looked down at me. There was pure, beautiful love in his eyes.

"How long do ya think it'll take them to find her?"

"A couple hours. I think I overheard a couple people saying that they sometimes hang out in the woods after school, so they'll probably find her." I shrugged. Mammon placed a kiss on my head, and I felt incredibly happy. My heart was beating fast as well.

After murdering so many girls, I finally got what I really wanted. Mammon loved me for me, and now we're together. Who knew he killed a couple guys for my sake as well? That fact made me even more happy. It proved that we would do anything for each other, even if it meant spilling the blood of others.

-a few hours later-

Me, Mammon, and the others were called to the same forest as before. A couple of students from RAD had discovered the body of a girl against one of the trees. It was our job to investigate and see what could've happened.

I glanced at Mammon, who was trying his best not to laugh or say something about the corpse in front of us. I was doing the same. It was extremely hard not to laugh, but we were managing to keep it contained.

"That bitch deserved to die anyway. She was talking to Mammon! They haven't even found those gloves in the tree yet. How stupid can they be?"

"Are you sure you can handle being near the...body? I understand if you would want to go back home." Diavolo said. A thought came to mind, and I shook my head. It was honestly boring looking around and pretending like I was nervous and scared.

"I-I...feel a little sick. Can someone escort me back?" Diavolo nodded sympathetically. Mammon overheard this, and walked up next to me. He wrapped me in his arms, and looked at the demon prince.

"I'll take her."

"Make sure she's alright when you get back. No one should have to see something like this. Especially a human like Y/N." Diavolo said as Mammon acted like he was supporting me as we walked.

When we got a good distance away from the forest, me and Mammon started laughing. It wasn't the psychotic type of laughing, it was genuine laughter. I dramatically acted like I was sick.

"Oh no! I feel faint after seeing a little bit of blood. Mammon, catch me." I fell against him, and he hugged me. Then he placed a sweet, intoxicating kiss on my lips.

"Looks like you're my first again. That was my first kiss."

"Good. No one else is allowed to be your first for anything. Only me, got it?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you."

-the next day at RAD-

The air hung heavy in the hallways of the school. People were gossiping about the girl that was found dead. After much investigation, it was ruled as a suicide, but people knew it wasn't one. They knew it was a murder.

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