Nightmare (Belphegor x paranoid reader)

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(This was requested by HitoshiIsAHero)

Y/N's POV -dream-

I was in my room, alone. The darkness around me didn't seem normal. There was something off about it.

The moonlight wasn't shining through the window like it always did, making it nearly impossible to see anything.

I looked around nervously. A black hole appeared underneath my feet.

Weird hands started coming up from that void, and I screamed. I ran towards the door and tried to open it.

But no matter how hard I tried, the door just wouldn't budge. One of the hands grabbed my ankle.

"Let go!" I couldn't free myself from the strong grip of the hand.

More and more hands started wrapping around my entire body. Soon I was completely immobile.

The hands began dragging me into the abyss that they came from. Into a void of no escape.

-end of dream-

My eyes shot open, and I started panting as my eyes scanned the floor. There was no black hole, and no hands.

"Stupid me just had to watch a horror movie last night. I should've known this would've happened."

Whenever I see a scary movie I'm usually paranoid like crazy for the next couple of days after seeing the movie.

I slowly placed my foot down on the floor, looking out for any weird hands that could drag me into the darkness.

Since it was the weekend I just made my way to the dining room in my pajamas.

No one was there, which was surprising. Beel was usually the first one here ready to eat.

That's when I noticed a plate in my usual spot. It was plastic wrapped and some food was inside.

"Looks like I slept in. I did stay up late watching that movie."

I unwrapped the plate and began eating in silence. My body felt a little tense as I ate.

I didn't hear any noises at all besides my breathing. My eyes kept wandering around the room.

"Hey Y/N." Someone put a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped out of my seat.

I turned around and saw that it was Belphie. I placed a hand over my heart and sighed.

"Belph don't do that."

"Are you alright? You seem nervous." My boyfriend asks. I nodded.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. What time is it?" I tried changing the subject.

"It's around 1 now. Did you stay up late?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'm fine." I sat back down and finished my food.

"Wanna hang out in your room?"

"No! U-Um....let's hang out in your room." I stuttered.

"I want to be alone with you, and Beel's in our room right now." I sighed.

"Alright...let's go." I grabbed his hand and we walked back to my room.

I quickly got onto the bed. I was still subconsciously imagining the hands coming up from the floor.

Belphie got on the bed as well, and put his arm around me. I jumped and moved away from him.

"S-Sorry...." I glanced away.

"What's going on with you Y/N? You've been jumpy today." Belphie said.

"...........I'll tell you why. Just don't laugh at me." He nodded and sat down.

"I promise not to laugh." He patted my head.

"So, last night I watched a scary movie. Whenever I watch one I become paranoid.

I had a nightmare last night where these weird hands coming up from the ground.

When you hugged me it made me think of the hands wrapping around me, and dragging me into this abyss." I explained.

Belphie stayed silent for a moment, and then he placed me in his lap. He placed his head on my shoulder.

"Why didn't you come to my room? I would've comforted you." He sounded a little hurt.

"I'm sorry Belphie. I just don't like being weak around you, or the others." I admitted.

"You don't need to act...just be you Y/N." He wrapped his arms around my stomach.

I leaned against his chest. I felt like I could truly be vulnerable with him.

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