Simple Surprises

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Gilinsky - You were typically a happy-go-lucky person that just went with the flow of life, but on occasion you would get bummed out and stressed. Jack could always tell by your tone through text messages or phone calls, so if he made it home before you he would surprise you with a bath that he had set up for you with a cute bath bomb, soft music and lit candles.

Johnson - You and Jack had a special relationship that all of your friends envied. If he knew you were having a bad day, or just weren't in the greatest mood he would surprise you with cute text messages to shine a little light on your mood, and it would always perk you right up instantly to read the little sweet-nothings he would send.

Cam - On mornings that the two of you were home and didn't have to leave early, he would wake up before you and attempt to fix a simple breakfast, and surprise you with it in bed so the two of you could cuddle and watch TV for the rest of the morning until you finally had to get your days started. Usually you guys would follow with a quick shower together to end your perfect mornings.

Nash - You and Nash loved the beautiful sites nature had to offer. On days when there wasn't much going on, he would surprise you with trips to the perfect spot to watch the sunset, and sometimes he would you up early enough to go watch the sunrise. As much as you hated being up too early, it was always enchanting to see all of the vivid colors, and it was even more magical to be with him.

Shawn - Shawn was gone quite often, thus making it super hard to see him, and somedays you felt like it was nearly impossible. It was almost as if he could sense you missing him, and when you would least expect it he would surprise you by calling to tell you how much he loved and missed you, and how much you meant to him.

Taylor - There was two things that Taylor really loved: his cars, and you. He would surprise you with long car rides on winding roads with lots of hand holding, and loud, obnoxious singing to the songs that played on the radio. Sometimes you would be gone for an hour, and other times you were gone for what felt like forever, but you loved every second.

Matthew - Matt had quite a humorous personality, and he knew you loved it. Whenever you felt gloomy, or you hadn't seen him in awhile he would surprise you with a load of funny snapchat videos with cheesy pick up lines just to make you smile, and be happy. You would later mock his jokes, but it was always one of your favorite things that he would do.

Nate - It seemed as if Nate was always in the studio either writing a new song with Sam, or in the booth recording. You loved that he was chasing his dream, but at times all you wanted was to spend time with him. On random days, he would surprise you by staying home all day, and laying around with you just talking about anything and everything.

Sammy - Sammy was notorious for surprising you with random food. It didn't matter where you were, he would stop in and bring you lunch, or random boxes of candy because he knew that it made your day. You never knew when he was going to stop by, and you never knew the time which made it a surprise every time.


Note: Hey guys, so as many of you are aware I am releasing a new story. I've been working my butt off on it just to assure that it's going to be the best quality that I am capable of. I've spent hours upon hours outlining characters, juggling ideas and trying to make it to where you guys will be able to picture every event in your head. I had the original release date set for February 13th, but I don't think I can wait that long, so I was thinking about releasing it THIS Friday instead. What do you guys think? If you haven't seen the prologue yet it's in one of the recent updates I did. It's titled Delicate and I can't wait for you guys to see it. So just out of curiosity who would like it to be released this Friday instead of another week? The first chapter has been tweaked and is all ready to go. So just let me know by commenting whether you're ready for the release like I am, or if you want to wait :)

Thank you!

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