Valentines Day

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Imagine for your favorite boy :) Happy Valentines Day, everyone! How are you spending it? With a lucky significant other, family or by yourself (a.k.a me. #GilinskyWhereYouAtTho

Cute, cuddly & is Valentines Day ;)


Walking into the apartment I could hear him softly humming along to the music that was filling all of the rooms. The lights were dim, and there was a sweet smell in the air - he was burning my favorite sugar cookie candle. I smiled when I saw him in the kitchen at the stove. He was so focused watching the food, and he had a hand towel draped over his shoulder. There was a large bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter top, and he beamed as soon as he turned around and saw me. "There you are," he said gliding over to me and kissing my lips ever so sweetly.

"What's all of this?" I said gesturing to the romantic theme.

"It's Valentines Day," he smiled proudly and handed me the flowers. "There's something on the bed for you," he told me. I nodded and walked down the hallway and flipped on the light to our room. Lying on our bed was a simple black dress. I laughed a little and stripped off all of my clothes and reached into the drawer finding his favorite pair of panties on me - pale pink with a champagne trim. I slipped on the dress and looked in the full length mirror and saw that it complimented the curvature of my body perfectly. I let down my hair and ruffled it up a little bit giving adding a little bit of a sexy, teasing vibe to it. I spritzed on his favorite perfume of mine, and touched up my makeup a bit. He had even laid out a pair of shoes to compliment the dress - how sweet.

"This is all so sweet," I said making my way out to the kitchen where he was. He smiled and shut off the stove.

"Have a seat at the table, baby. I'll bring everything to you," he kissed my forehead and I nodded. I sat down at the table that was decorated in the spirit of this romantic holiday. He had already slipped the flowers into a vase, and sat them in the middle of the table. He broke out our finest dishes, and flatware and had them laid out. There were tall candles that were lit on the table and I wasn't sure where he got the red table cloth but I loved it.

"It smells amazing, what is it?" I asked as he brought in the covered food. I saw him blush and I raised my eyebrow. "What?" I giggled.

"I'm not a chef, but," he uncovered the dishes revealing pizza bagel bites, chicken nuggets, mac 'n cheese, french fries, and a bowl of chopped fruit. "I'm pretty damn proud of this."

I laughed out loud, and covered my mouth. "This is better than any of those disgusting dishes that look too pretty to be edible."

"Well, I thought instead of making something like lobster with pomegranate salad or something, I would combine our favorite things, and viola! Valentines Day dinner, baby." He smirked. "Can I interest you in champagne, wine or chocolate milk?"

"Are you kidding? Chocolate milk, duh," I grinned. He nodded pouring a glass for himself as well, and we dug into the food. "Seriously, this should just be dinner every night."

"It definitely should," he nodded with a mouth full of mac 'n cheese. I snarled my nose causing him to laugh. We had finished nearly all of the food, and he invited me for a dance. As one of the romantic songs faded out, we swayed back and forth waiting for the next song, but all we heard was an ad. I laughed and he chuckled feeling defeated. "You're kidding," he said smiling.

"I so love this song," I said sarcastically gesturing to the ad. He smirked and eventually another song came on and he asked how my day was while we moved somewhat gracefully around the room. We weren't sure how to dance, so we just swayed back and forth slowly forming a giant circle. He kissed my neck and worked his way up to my lips. I loved his touch, and I loved his kisses even more. He grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway, and he began to unzip my dress. I slid off of my heels, and he laid me back on the bed and pulled off my dress with ease and in one swift motion. I unbuttoned his dress shirt, and ran my hands down his torso causing him to bite his lower lip.

He nibbled on my skin, and gently tugged with his teeth. I knew he was going to leave marks, but I didn't even care. I unbuttoned his pants and he pulled them down and he caressed his finger tips along my sides. His fingers hooked under the thin band of my panties, and he pulled them off leaving me full exposed. He surveyed my body like it was his first time ever seeing me. His lips were parted, and I laughed a little seeing that he was completely mesmerized by every aspect of me. I watched him glide across the room to the dresser and he pulled out a condom. Without words he walked back over to me and pulled down his briefs and slipped it on. He hovered over me and I nodded showing him I was ready.

My hands gripped his toned arms as I gasped from the feeling of having him enter me. I moaned and his eyebrows furrowed together as he picked up the pace. I dug my nails into his back and he kissed, and sucked on the sensitive skin on my neck. With every stroke I felt him groan against my skin. I felt the tension building up and after I came undone so did he. Our breathing was short, and rapid. I was trying to calm my eratic heartbeat, and my body tremored as he still hovered over top of me with his head stuffed into my neck. His chest began to rise and fall slower as he caught his breath.

"Woo," he breathed out finally and rolled over beside me. He tossed out the used up protection and wrapped his arm around me. "Man, I will never get sick of that." I laughed and kissed his cheek. We stayed silent for awhile, and I traced small circles on his chest. He kept adjusting the comforter each time I would shiver and eventually it was up around my neck.

"I'm okay," I giggled pulling it down a little. He smiled and grabbed the remote off of the nightstand and turned on the TV. He scanned through the channels and he stopped causing me to look at the screen.

"That does say A Charlie Brown Valentine...right?" He asked me.

"Yep," I nodded. "I'll get the chocolate milk." I threw on the pair of panties that he had tossed to the other side of the room, and his shirt. I ran out into the kitchen, grabbed the chocolate milk and glasses and ran back into our room where he was lying in his briefs on the bed. He sat up with his back against the headboard and I did the same. We clinked our glasses together and he slipped his arm around me. "This has by far been the greatest Valentines Day," I admitted.

"You think so?" He smiled over at me and I nodded. "Good," he kissed my cheek. "I love you."


So this honestly sounds like the perfect Valentines Day to me. You can't go wrong with pizza bagel bites tbh.

P.S. Requests are open & if you have any preference ideas let me know!

Happy Valentines Day! :)

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