Your Jack & Jack Song

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Jack G - Right Where You Are; Jack is always busy and so whenever you get to see him it's something special. He loves pleasing you so even if that means rushing to get home to you then that's exactly what he'll do.

Jack J - Groove; Your relationship with Jack is based around fun. You two always make sure to have a good time no matter what you're doing, and you guys always like to get down with the groove of things.

Cam - Doing it Right; With Cam's growing success you can't help but to be extremely proud of him. It makes you happy to see that day by day he's proving everyone who doubted him wrong.

Nash - Wild Life; You and Nash love to have fun. You guys are always up for a party, and so whenever you guys hear of one you act on it. You two reign the crown for being the life of the party.

Shawn - Distance; With Shawn always gone, you feel like you were heading for disaster. You never get to see him, and hardly get to talk to him. You want to make things worse, but you were beginning to doubt everything.

Taylor - Flights; Taylor loves to spoil you and to travel. If you even mention going to see a place he makes sure you guys are on the next flight there.

Matt - Paradise (Never Change); You and Matt have a laid back and fun relationship. You like to get away from the stress and just be with each other.

Sammy - Like That; Sam believes that you are truly one-in-a-million. He's attracted to everything about you, and you know that you have a spell on him.

Nate - Cold Hearted; You like to play hard-to-get with Nate which makes you even more alluring to him. He can never get enough of you, and you know that which makes you tease him even more.
Thanks for the 11k guys 😍😭 what's your fav Jack and Jack song?

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