Monthly Visitor

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Jack G - When it was your time of the month you didn't like being bothered. You liked being off to yourself and you didn't like communicating much. This made it easy on Jack especially when he was away.

Jack J - When it was your time of the month you liked to sleep it off. You would do whatever daily activity was required and then come home, change into comfortable sweats and sleep off any cramps. Jack understood completely and let you be.

Cameron - This time of the month was Cameron's worst nightmare. You were a bottle of every emotion possible. Cameron walked on a thin line because he never knew when your happy mood could switch to anger or sadness.

Nash - During this time of the month you ate your cramps and emotions away. Nash would always stock up on your favorite snacks and drinks.

Matthew - You were very cuddly during this time. You always wanted to cuddle with Matthew and got upset when he was busy. He would always try to make time for you and he bought you a bear that he spritzed with his cologne for when he couldn't be there to lay with you.

Shawn - During this time you cried until your eyes were practically swollen shut. You didn't get to see Shawn much so he always talked to you on the phone and did his best to comfort you when you cried for no apparent reason.

Taylor - You were always a bit horny during this special time. Taylor thought it would benefit him but you wanted to be stubborn and make him wait until your visit has passed. Of course it annoyed him but in the end it was worth the wait.

Aaron - You were always snappy. It seemed to be your only mood. You would snap at Aaron for no apparent reason and then once it was all over you felt guilty and tried to make it up to him. Even though he knew you were testy he still tried to be there for you and treat you like a queen.

Carter - When your visit came you were a bundle of giggles. Everything someone said to you caused you to crack up. At times this would cause Carter to laugh as well and other times he would get annoyed. He dealt with it though because he knew it wasn't your fault.


Hey guys! Don't forget I'm taking imagine requests!

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