New Years in NYC | Jack Gilinsky

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This preference is dedicated to @drunkingilinsky, hope you like it!

P.S. I know I haven't mentioned it in awhile but requests are always open, don't be afraid to request an imagine!

Okay that's all I have for now, you can get reading 😁

"It's so cold," I said shivering as I looked around. I was currently in Times Square with my boyfriend Jack for New Years Eve. I had always wanted to see the ball drop in New York City and celebrate the beginning of a new year. The previous year had been filled with ups and downs, wins, losses, accomplishments and fails. I was more than excited to bring in the new year hoping it could serve as some sort of fresh start. "What time is it?" I asked Jack. He looked up causing me to do the same and I noticed the large clock that illuminated the time with red lights. He smirked.

"Looks like it's 11:50," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and he pulled me closer to him. His body was radiating incredible warmth and I was more than happy to be as close to him as possible. The square was so loud and crowded with thousands of people. There were so many flashes going off, and celebrities were giving stellar performances. I was captivated by all of the lights and action. I heard talking but didn't realize it was Jack until he nudged my shoulder.

"Huh?" I said looking at him. He grinned showing beautiful, pearly white teeth. His deep brown irises were sparkling from all of the city lights and stage lights. He had always been handsome, and the illuminating lights and bright smile he wore made it even more apparent.

"I said I can't wait until Jack and I get the opportunity to perform here," he gestured towards the stage that was now being prepared for the next performer. I smiled at him. He was no doubt incredibly talented and he had millions of fans to prove it. "We had a big year but I mean...I hope 2015 is even bigger."

"Jack you're only going up," I said to him. He kissed my forehead and I shivered from his cold lips. "Hey, are there any cafes around here or something? I need warmth." I looked around, and so did he. Had an obvious height advantage compared to me. He sighed and I looked at him confused. "What?"

"There's one down the block but it looks insanely crowded...I wonder if there are any food carts around?" He licked his bottom lip--it drove me crazy every time he did that. His eyes lit up and I stood on my toes trying to see what he had. "Bingo."

"What?" I asked looking around. He pulled my hand and guided me through the crowd. I fixed my height and adjusted my scarf as I was pulled through a tight crowd. "God, Jack slow down," I laughed trying to catch up with him. He was so far ahead of me that I felt my arm stretching.

"Come on, slow poke," he teased. I finally caught up to him and gripped onto his black jacket. He let out a husky cough and I moved from the direction of the cough. "Here, stay here and I'll get us the stuff," he said. I nodded and stood next to the building that wasn't as crowded. I looked around at all of the smiling and happy couples, the laughing families, and the groups of people that were having fun conversations. I shifted my feet and tried to keep myself warm. I stuffed my hands in my coat pocket and tried to see over the crowd to see who was performing, but it was no use. I could barely hear the music over all of the noise from the crowd so I stood patiently waiting for Jack. "Here you go," I heard. I snapped my head in the direction and saw Jack standing next to me holding a paper coffee cup.

"Thanks," I said grinning. I took the cup and took an immediate sip. Scorching hot chocolate rushed down my throat causing me to gasp in pain. I saw Jack laughing and I glared at him.

"It's kind of hot," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's try to get our spot back." I followed him through the crowd and we ended up taking someone else's place but luckily it was closer to where we wanted to be. The hot chocolate was still incredibly hot so I stood waiting patiently. "So you never told me, what's your New Years resolution?" Jack asked.

I shrugged, "I don't really know, every time I make a resolution I never stick to it." He smiled--God I loved his smile. "I just want this year to be a good one, this past year was rocky." He nodded.

"At least you got me out of it," he said. I giggled and nodded. "I just want to make more music, tour again, and spend lots of quality time with my favorite girl."

"Aw," I blushed. He looked at me confused.

"Oh, you thought I was talking about you?" He chuckled. "I meant my mom." I frowned and he smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm kidding, baby. You're my favorite girl." He brushed a piece of my brown hair from my face and looked at me sincerely.

"Aw," I stood on my toes to kiss his cheek. "Hey, look, it's almost time!" I gestured towards the clock. There were sixty seconds left and I felt myself growing more and more excited by the moment. He pulled me closer to him and I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Fifteen seconds left. I looked at Jack and we were both wearing big grins.

"!" The crowd shouted. Even more lights were light and Jack pulled me close to him. The clock had struck twelve. He pressed his lips to mine and accidentally knocked my drink out of my hand. I let out a loud laugh and felt him smile against my lips. We both smelled like chocolate and our breath was hot from the drinks. Once we finally pulled away everyone was celebrating. Confetti littered the ground and fireworks were going off in the sky, it all seemed magical.

"Happy new year, Janelle. I love you so much," he said before planting another kiss on my lips.

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