Where You Two Meet

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Jack G - An Amusement Park. You were on a roadtrip with a few of your close friends and decided to go to an amusement park. Jack and his friends were there as well and the two of were next to each other on a ride. You accidentally rested your hand on his his during the ride. You apologized but he offered to hold your hand through the rest of the ride so you didn't get scared. Afterwards your two groups ended up hanging out for the rest of the day.

Jack J - A Restaurant. You were a waitress and you had to work the dinner shift on a Friday night. You waited on a group of guys, and once they had recieved their food you asked if they needed anything else and Jack asked for the bill and your number. Of course you didn't turn him down, and that night when you got off work you had a text from him.

Cameron - The Hollywood Sign. You went for a hike with your dog and Cameron was in the middle of a photoshoot. Your dog ended up running up to him, you apologized but Cameron assured you that it was okay. Your dog ended up being in a few shots as well. Afterwards he offered to take you out for lunch.

Nash - The Elevator. You were new to the apartment complex and Nash just so happened to live there. You were taking boxes up to your apartment and Nash offered to help you with some of the boxes. Once you were finished he asked if you would like to hang out and you graciously accepted the offer.

Matthew - The Zoo. You were with the little girl you babysat regularly. Matthew was there with some friends. He helped her see over the crowd. You thanked him and he ditched his friends to hang out with the two of you for the day. You fed giraffes, watched cheetah's perform tricks and even had ice cream for lunch.

Shawn - A Music Festival. You loved music festivals so when you won tickets to one of the best festivals in the country you travelled with friends to the location. You ended up standing next to Shawn in the crowd. You were enjoying the great music but you didn't have a very good view because of your height. Shawn let you sit on his shoulders throughout the show and afterwards you went to another stage to watch another artist.

Taylor - The DMV. You both had to get your licenses renewed. The two of you waited for nearly two hours. Within that time you guys had managed to learn the basics about each other and switch numbers. You exchanged multiple laughs and it was the only enjoyable experience you had at the dreaded DMV. He even waited for you to finish up and walked you out to your car before he left.

Aaron - The Bowling Alley. You were having a family night at the bowling alley. Aaron's family came to the alley as well and ended up bowling in the lane beside yours. The two of you ended up sneaking off and started a game of your own at the very last lane. You two enjoyed each others company and tons of greasy french fries.

Carter - At the Mall. It was Mid-December and you were finishing up Christmas shopping. Carter was there and he helped you pick out a hat for your cousin. He asked for your opinion on a necklace for his mother and the two of you grabbed lunch at the food court. You exchanged numbers and thanked each other for the help with the gifts.


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