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Kim Taehyung, woke up in his huge bed which can hold al least 5 people on it. Being rich is really something. More, when you are the Boss of Mafias. But Taehyung didn't really care about wealth that much. Whatever, he got up, took a quick hot shower and got ready for work. He's the owner of Vantae Association Seoul . Known as CEO Kim. Everything  that happens in business world, goes through him.

Being all powerful and successful, he still didn't have any dating rumors or scandals. No one ever saw him with any girls, or men (except from his hyungs and business partners). He actually never liked anyone because he didn't find anyone that attractive to him. Not that he never tried. Once Jimin set him up with a girl for a date but the girl was only after his Money. So he stopped going on dates with these random stupid hoes.

Taehyung entered his cabin and furrowed his eyebrows in disgust at the sight.

'Can you two not eat each other's face? At least in my cabin? It's fucking gross' Taehyung let out a sigh.

'Shut up Tae! Just because You're unromantic and a pathetic single, Doesn't mean that no one can be romantic around you.' Jimin snapped back while pulling away from Yoongi.

Jimin and Yoongi are the closest one to Taehyung. Jimin is Taehyungs Taehyung's best friend and soulmate. While Yoongi is his best friends boyfriend, also his partner in 'That' business.

'Whatever shortie! I called you both to discuss about something so keep your horny ass to yourself now.'

'What's the matter? Is everything alright?' Yoongi asked sitting in front if Taehyung.

'No, I got some news that the profit dropped by a few percentage this month. And the dealer cancelled the order, saying they got better offer? Who the hell gave them a better offer than us in Seoul?' Taehyung's tone raised at the last sentence.

'I told my men to collect information about this and got to know that this party isn't someone we know. They are new. They moved to Seoul from Busan last month. Well, they are quite well known in Busan.' Yoongi finished while looking at Taehyung's intense gaze.

'I don't care who the fuck they are. Finish'em already.'

'But Tae, you know we can't do that. We don't kill people for fun, It's your words after all. Besides, Let's just arrange a meeting with them and show them their place. What say?'

'You're right hyung. I got off gurad for a moment. You know i can't take it when someone put his nose in my business. Set up a date, I wanna know who this Busan guy is.' Taehyung let out a smirk.


'Sir, your coffee' 

'Put that down and tell RM to come inside.'

'Ok sir.' The worker left

He sat on the chair looking at the body tied in front of him. He took a sip from his coffee and let out a chuckle. A chuckle of pity.

'Please let me go. I promise i won't do that again.' The man cried

'You know, once someone enters here, there's no going back. Only place you will go after this, is hell.'  He said, swirling his gun in his finger.

'You are being childish. You know my men won't let you live if something happens to me. You'll be dead.'

'Oh really? I'd love to see how your men hunt me down when they couldn't protect their own boss.'  He said while laughing at the man

'You motherfuc-'


The body fell down on the floor.

'I don't like disrespectful bitches you know? RM clean it up and throw away the body.' Jungkook said while walking out of the basement.

'JK, we got a call from The Vs. They want to meet us.'

'The Vs? Aint that the first name we heard when we came here? Already shook their business or what?' Jungkook let out a laugh.

'I got to know they are the most powerful one in Seoul.'

'I don't care RM. Wherever I stay, I make that place mine. You know that.'

'I know. But still, It's professionalism.'

'Let me know when's the meeting. I'll be ready. I'm going home. Need to clean up this dirt. I smell unholy.'   With that, Jungkook left the basement.

Jeon Jungkook, the most powerful man of Busan, moved to Seoul to expand his business area. He was 13 when his parents were murdered by some mafias. Since then, he became the rude arrogant person from a cheerful bunny he was. He decided to be a mafia, the most powerful one. And he did. He killed his parents murders too. His only family is now his brother, Kim Seok Jin and his fiance Kim Namjoon.

Jungkook entered his room, took a glance at the nightstand where there was a family photo of him and his parents. He shook his head and entered the shower, to wash away all the stress.

Take love
See ya in next chapter

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