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"The fuck Joon hyung! What the hell?" Jungkook's blood was boiling with rage and anger. He just couldn't believe that just a moment before he was about to get laid but got interrupted by none other than his brother's  fiance Kim Namjoon who sneakily entered the house at 1am in the morning and broke a vase accidentally.

"It was dark ok? I didn't see"

"What's this nois- wha- Joonie? You? You were coming in the morning?" Jin came out from his room hearing all the noises.

"My work was done and I couldn't wait to see you. I wanted to surprise you but guess I surprised more than 1 people now"

Jungkook rolled his eyes in disbelief at how disgustingly romantic shit was going on or what was about to go on if he didn't break the vase.

It was so late at night so Jungkook didn't say anything much and went to his room along with Taehyung again and Namjoon went to Jins.

The mood was long gone now and they decided to sleep in each others arms instead. This was better still. For the first time Jungkook was sleeping feeling protected. Two strong buffy arms held him close to his chest spooning him from behind. He felt nothing but comfort and ease.

I still don't understand why i feel this much comfortable with you.


*Two weeks later*

Jungkook and Taehyung had a conversation about how they are going to manage their business. Taehyung told him about his idea to become partners and he was unsure about it. Well namjoon had problems. He didn't like Yoongi at their first meeting. But Taehyung assured him that he's a good guy and that was him being all professional.

And It's true. They all had a business dinner to discuss things and it turned out that Yoongi and Namjoon shared similar interests and got along so well. On the other hand, Jimin liked Jin just at his first impression. So they ended up being partners in business too and Yoongi apologised for his behaviour earlier too.

Things were going so good. Taehyung and Jungkook both were so much into each other. Not a day can pass without them seeing each other. Even if their work life is strick and busy, they somehow finds time to see each other or text each other or call.

Doesn't matter if It's 2am in the morning or 10pm at night. Taehyung will drive to Jungkooks house, make him come down and hold him tight just to give him a kiss.

Jungkook won't care if the older is in a meeting or not, if he calls, you have to pick up. Even if you have to say that you are in a meeting, you have to pick up.

But they still didn't come to public as a couple. It was confidential. They are the most successful businessmen in Seoul right now. And apparently they both run an underground world too. Their life is already risky, it could cause more risk to both of them. So for now, they keep it a secret to the world.


*Text From Hobi*

'Tae, you free Sunday night?'

'Nothing much. Probably
will spend time with Jungkook.
why do you ask?'

'Wow nice you forgot?'


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