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"Tae, are you sure about this?" Yoongi asked sounding as calm as possible but internally he was pissed off. If Jimin hadn't pursue him to talk to Taehyung in peace, he sure would have pulled out a gun by now.

"I'm sure. Besides, if we become partners, it will be good for both of us"

"You're just saying this because You're in love with that boy. I still can't trust him." Yoongi was losing his patience.

"Hyung, maybe I am being oblivious,  but for the first time in my life. Because this is something I never thought would happen to me. How did you feel when Jimin said he loves you? Or when you fell for him?"

"This is a different situation. Jimin was already your friend. And we actually no nothing about him. This could be a trap"

Yoongi had a point. Taehyung took a moment to think.

No, this can't be a trap. The way the younger looks at him, holds onto him, tries so hard not to blush but fails. This simply can't be fake. Eyes never lie. I can see what he feels for me. And I am ready to take that chance. I am ready to risk it all.

"Do you trust me Yoongi hyung?"

"I do.Don't get me wrong."

"And I trust him. Let me do this."

"As you wish. I never stopped you from taking any decision. I will support you." Yoongi at last agreed to him and now Jimin was the one who was silent throughout, was hugging Yoongi and giving kisses to all over his face making Taehyung look at them with disgust.

"You guys can make out in your cabin. Get the fuck out of here."

"Oh Tae have I told you we fucked here? Right on this table?" Jimin looked at Taehyung who dropped from 7th heaven.


"Ok now I know what you will do if we actually do it here.
Babe We'll try here sometimes ok? Tae can't even pull out a hair out of me."

"I seriously reconsider my life decisions of being friends with you."

"Sorry honey, the decision is already made. You can't change it now. I'll see you later.
Babe Let's go to my cabin." with that Jimin and Yoongi left Taehyung's office who sat down on his chair internally laughing at how adorable yet annoying his best friend is.

When he was working in his laptop, he received a message. A message from his love.

*Text from Love*
'Mr Kim'

'I told you to call me Taehyung'

'But i will not.
Mr Kim is better.'


'The reason I texted you.
I want you to come and meet Jin.'

'But I already met him once
At the hospital.'

'I want you to meet him

'But your brother scares
the shit out of me.'

'And you call yourself a mafia
I shouldn't be dating you.'

'You're brother aint any less
than a mafia. Ok I'll meet him.
If I die, It's your fault.'

'I'll be honored.'

Taehyung smiles thinking how this boy always sounds cold and rough but when he is with him, the younger is nothing but a cuddly baby.

Oh man I am so wasted


Taehyung was nervously waiting outside Jungkook's mansion. Never in his life he felt nervous to meet someone. Yet, he was almost sweating. He just wants to run out of this place immediately when Jungkook comes through the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey there Mr Kim, you're on time."

Taehyung wrapped his one hand aroumd Jungkook's waist and pulled him closer.

"If I could, i would come just when you told me. I can't wait to see this face."

"You're really a pathetic romantic person."

"Don't act like you don't like it. I see how you blush."

"Shut up and get inside before Jin starts shouting for not letting you come inside."

They both entered the house, hand in hand. Taehyung felt so relived that Jungkook was not embarrassed at all to introduce him to his family members.

"Here you are. I've been waiting for so long to meet you. Well again." Jin says with all the brightest smile in his face.

"It's nice to meet you again Mr. Kim."

"Jungkook, how come you found someone with the exact same surname as mine? You love me that much?"

"Shut up Jin."

"This disrespectful kid!
You don't need to call me Mr Kim. Call me Jin hyung ok? And I will not apologise for that hospital incident because i didn't do that. My love and fear for Jungkookie did that."

They all laughed and sat down on the dinner table. Namjoon was not there because he had to go out of town for business purposes. So it was the three of them.

"I know I'll sound like a mom but i have to ask this, how did you fell for this brat? He doesn't even say welcome when you say thank you to him."

"That is actually true hyung. You're brother is a brat sometimes."

"What kind of Jungkookphobia is this?" Jungkook was so done with his brother and his undeclared boyfriend. Again, he was surprised how casually the two are talking when they just met once before. This makes him feel like maybe he has chosen the right guy. Because Jin is everything to him. After his parents death, Jin selflessly raised him as his own. He is no less than a father to him. He can do anything for this guy just to make sure he is happy. And Taehyung, the way Taehyung was continuously making him laugh, get along with his irritatingly insane sense of humor, Jungkook felt content in heart.

One step closer to fall in love


I am so inspired today

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