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'Jimin why he isn't sending any respond?'

'Tae, he probably didn't see it yet'

'How can he? I sent him through my official mail id! How can he ignore that?'

Yes, Taehyung can't do anything without telling his soulmate Jimin. Either he tells him everything or Jimin eventually finds out everything.

'Taehyung, tell me your intentions. You know Yoongi will be disappointed if he hears about this.' Jimin sighed.

'You are not gonna tell Yoongi about this.'

'Ok i won't but you have to tell me why are you doing this?'

'I don't know Jimin. I didn't like the way that man was touching him. I felt do angry.'

'Taehyung, It's because you like him. Let's not hide this from me.'

Jimin knows what Taehyung is feeling. He felt the same when he first met Yoongi. It was through Taehyung though. Now Yoongi is Jimins boyfriend and locked.

'Say that I like him. So what? There's no future in this life. Is there?' Taehyung got up and looked outside through the window. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

'Everything has a solution. I'm sure we can think about something.'

Taehyung knows Jimin can always comfort himself when he's feeling down. He thought about what Jimin said. Is there really solutions for everything?  Can every problem be solved? Life is not always fair. Specially in his world, either you have to be selfish or lose everything. You never sacrifice. Sacrifice won't give you anything.

Taehyung and Jimin went out to get some coffee and snakcs. Jimin loves being outside so Taehyung had to take him. They were talking about some business stuffs when Taehyung noticed Jungkook outside. Walking, with his earphones on. He got up to talk to him as Jimin encouraged him. Taehyung was walking towards him when he heard a gunshot.


The bullet missed the target and went touching the upper shoulder.

'Jungkook!' Taehyung screamed and rushed to him and held him in his arms. Jimin came running behind him.

'Jungkook! Jungkook! Are you ok? Why do walk outside alone?!! Without any body guards?!' Taehyung looked really worried.

'Tae, he's bleeding. We need to take him to the hospital.'

'Bring my car. Now!'

Taehyung took Jungkook bridal style and got into his car. He's shirt was drenched in Jungkook's blood.  Jungkook was is so much pain. He just held onto Taehyung's hand and said nothing. Taehyung didn't let him go for one second until they reached the hospital.

They reached the hospital and the doctor took him inside and told Taehyung to wait outside.


'Where is my baby?!' Jin came rushing. Taehyung didn't know who that man is. He was sitting there still waiting. He told Jimin to go and get some informations.

'Sir, your brother is inside. Please calm down. We have other pa-'

'Shut the fuck up lady! If something happens to my baby, I swear to got I'll blow up this hospital.' By the conversation of the two, Taehyung understood this is Jungkook's brother.

'What are you doing here?' Namjoon looked at Taehyung and got shocked by seeing him there.

'Who is this Joon?' Jin asked when he noticed Taehyung.

'Some business rivalry' Namjoon said

'You! What are you doing here? You did this? You hurt my baby? Huh?' Jin pointed his finger at Taehyung and shouted.

'Sir, he brought your brother here. It could have been really critical if he wasn't brought here soon enough.' The nurse outside informed Namjoon and Jin

'Well, thanks Mr.Kim.' Namjoon said with an apologetic look.

'Taehyung. We aren't in a business meeting.' Taehyung said without looking.

'You can go now. We are here.'

'I'm not leaving until he wakes up.'

There was a silence after this. They all were sitting there waiting for Jungkook to get on his consciousness. Jin was continuously sobbing on Namjoons chest who was comforting him.

'Sir, Mr Jeon is awake'

'Let me see him.' Jin quickly stood up and entered the cabin.

'Kookie, my baby! Oh you are hurt! What would I do if something happened. Oh my fucking god' Jin started sobbing again.

'Jin hyung, I'm okay. You know this is what It's like being a Mafia. Enemies every where.' Jungkook tried to comfort his hyung.

'Who was it Jungkook?' Namjoon asked him.

'I didn't see him. It was so sudden. But no one professional that's for sure. Look how pathetically he missed his target.' Jungkook laughed.

'Shut the fuck up Jeon Jungkook' Jin shouted at Jungkook who looked not terrified at all.

'Jungkook, Mr Kim is outside.' Namjoon informed him. Jungkook's eyes widen.

'He's still here? Can you guys excuse us for a second then?' Namjoon nodded and Jin and him went outside and told Taehyung to go and meet Jungkook.

'How are you feeling?' Taehyung sat down beside him.

'I'm healthy as a horse. You should know this is normal in our life. Right?' Jungkook chuckled.

'Do you have any idea what could have been happened if the bullet wasn't missed?'

'What? I'll be dead. Your rival won't exist anymore.'

'I don't want a world without any rival.' A silence fell between the two of them. They both were looking at each other. Those words pierced Jungkooks heart like bullets. Where everyone wants to kill him, this man, who's his biggest rival right at the moment, wants to save him just to compete with him. The silence broke when Taehyung spoke again.

'Who can be behind all these? Who wants to kill you? I thought you had no enemies here in Seoul other than me' Taehyung asked raising his brows. He was looking so intimidating. Jungkook paused before answering him.

'You answerd your question. Who can it be other than you?'

'Are you fucking kidding me? I have been saving you since you came to this fucking city and you are telling me I am behind all these? You are unbelievable!' Taehyung got up from his seat.

'I'm kidding. I don't know who could it be.' Jungkook said looking unreadable.

'Ok. Take rest. I'll come to visit you again tomorrow.'

'Wha- why?'

'I'm not inhuman.' With that, Taehyung left the cabin leaving a confused Jungkook laying on his bed.


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