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Taehyung came home and went straight to his room.

Hours ago he had the best of life he experienced in his 25 years of age. But it just took mintues to ruin.

This can't be happening. Taehyung knows deep down that he didn't do anything that can ruin the youngers life. He just loved. He loved him from the bottom of his. Like he never loved before. He can never do such things to the younger.

Yet, it happened. He didn't get any chance to explain himself. A little part of him got hurt by the fact that Jungkook believed someone else rather than him. But Taehyung has nothing to do, he doesn't have any proof. He can't do anything.

I need Jimin

Jimin came within a few hours and listened to him. He himself was shocked about the fact that Jungkook got carried away so easily.

"Jimina, I don't think Jungook has any fault. If I were in his place, i would have done the same." Taehyung sighs. He feels helpless.

"Tae, you know what? I think it's a trap." Jimin suddenly speaks and this makes Taehyungs eyebrows frown.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't tell you but Jungkook told me once that he had a partner back in Busan, who is that Taemin guy. He a few days back came to him and talked about you."

"What? Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Jungkook said not to. And it wasn't important he said. But now the circumstances changed. I thought you need to know this."

"You should have said this before but what's done is done. I need to do something."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Wait and watch"


Jungkook is back to his arrogant unapproachable state. To be honest, worst than that. Even Jin can't go and talk to him.

His world has fallen apart once again. First time, when he lost his parent. He was helpless, if Jin wasn't there, he probably would end up in an orphanage. Luckily Jin took him as his own and raised him.

Second time, when he lost, the only person, he had feelings for. The only person, he trusted with his whole heart, his whole being, his soul. The only person who betrayed him.

Life is unfair. We cannot get two things at once. You have to lose something in order to get something else. That's natures law. And jungkook started to believe it. He lost Taehyung, in order to save his existence and his family. The only reason why he has to be alive. Otherwise this time, he would probably think about leaving all these pain behind, and sleep. A peaceful sleep.

He scrolls through his phone, seeing the last pictures of their last date. Who knew what monster was hiding behind that innocent face. Jungkook's rage started fuming. His grip on his phone tighten. He can't take it anymore. He can't see this betrayer. He throws away his phone which broke with a loud thud when it hit the floor.

"Kookah, what happened?" Jin came hearing the noise. He's worried about him. He never saw Jungkook acting like this. He understands that Jungkook is hurt. So hurt.


"I can see the broken phone Jungkook. You can't do this to yourself. I'm worried about you do you understand that?"

"Go away."

"I'm not going away. I didn't go away when you were crying in your closet hiding from murderers. I didn't go away when you refused to go to school because you were scared. I didn't go away when fell sick and stayed up all night. How can you expect me to go away now?"

Jungkook couldn't hold himself anymore. He broke down. He broke down crying. All the things he does, he does so that he can keep his Jin Hyung happy. So that he can give back everything Jin did for him when he had nothing. Without Jin, he would be nothing what he is now.

He sat down in front of him and put his head on the olders knees, kneeling down. He cried. He cried so hard. Cried like he's letting out all his frustrations and aggressions. Jin didn't stop him. He let him cry. Sometimes crying helps. He stroked the youngers hair to comfort him. To let him know that he's there. He was, he is and he will be.



"You got me Taemin. I wanted to take him down. But I know you too want that."

"You're delusional."

"Wasn't Taiyeong your brother?"

"How! How do you know that?"

"We all live under the same sky Taemin. Things like this doesn't go unnoticed."

"What do you want now?"

"As far as I know jungkook. He's not an easy one to take down. I want to help you."

"So this is going to be rivals against rivals huh?"

"Yes Taemin. This is exactly going to be like this."

"I must say Mr Kim, You're the most wanted business man for a reason."


The end is near fellas👋

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