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"You just keep an eye on their steps. Let me know what they are doing, which company they are signing or what deals they are gonna take. It's easy for you to get all these. You've done this for years now"

"I sure did. But you just want these? Like nothing else? You can easily play cards and take the control?"

"I can. But i wanna see what he's capable of. He's different as far as I understood."

"Okay I'll let you know."

*flashback ends*

That is what Taehyung asked Lee Hyun to do. Just a little spying. Nothing more, nothing less. He had no intentions of betraying the younger. He was genuine from his side when he realised he has feelings for Jungkook.

But jungkook didn't believe him. He left him without giving any chance to explain. This, this bothers Taehyung. So much. So much that now he is probably doing the most reckless thing he can do to get back on Jungkook. He doesn't want to do this. But, the inner arrogant self, forcing him. Brain beats heart.

"Tae, are you sure this is gonna work? If not, this is gonna cost-"

"This has to work. This is the only way."

Jimin knows that Taehyung isn't well. He knows everything. The change in the latters behaviour didn't go unnoticed by him. He's worried for his best friend. He never saw him being this much happy and cheerful, but it's all gone now. The cold Taehyung is back. Maybe colder. He hates seeing him like this. But he has nothing to do now. This is not something that can easily be solved. This is complicated.

This is about a person that Taehyung loved

Jimin remembers the day when Taehyung went crazy when Jungkook got shot in front of his eyes. He can bet that he saw tears rolling down his cheeks. Not that it was the first time he saw Taehyung cry, but it was different.

He remembers the day when Taehyung told him about Jungkook, that he is in love. The blush was so prominent that even Jimin couldn't believe that his best friend can be this soft.

He remembers that,Taehyung jumping and around when he told him about their first kiss.

Jimin remembers everything. And he misses that. He misses his cheerful best friend. He misses his smile. He misses the constant arguing over who is the most gross couple between them.


"Jungkook, not eating food wont bring you anything. This is just childish. You're not a teenager who stopped eating food because his ex cheated on him" Jin said being extremely worried.

"I told you i will eat later."

"You told that last night. Next morning i woke up to see the plate exactly where i put it down."

"I wasn't hungry."

"Jungkook, you need to let it go."

"It's easy for you to say because you are not the one suffering it. I am. Namjoon showered you with love from the very beginning. And here i am, got busted by someone whom i thought, I'll have a future with."

"You really loved him that much?"

"Of course i did! I just never confessed it. But how couldn't i fall in love Jin? He knows and remembered every single details about me. From the start, when he wasn't even my boyfriend. He took care of me like you did. He cared about all of my flaws. He did every single things that I never expected someone would do for me. How can i not love him?"

"I'm sorry Jungkook. But you know, life goes on. It never stops for anyone. We all have to move on at some point of our life."

"This is why, i never dated anyone. I never involved into anything like that. But Taehyung was different. I wanted to believe he was different. Why Jin? Why he did this to me?"

Jungkook teared up. Jin held him close so that the boy can let it out. Sometimes crying is the only solution. You cry and let out all the frustration that is crushing you from the inside.

So Jin let him cry, cry until he falls asleep. He understands what his little brother is going through. This is hard for him too. To see his brother being gloomy all the time, getting drunk, coming home late, not having proper food. He just hopes that everything becomes alright again.


"This Taehyung bitch thought I'm gonna easily take his offer and let him know all about my plans."

"I knew you were not gonna do that. But what exactly are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna finish both of them."


"Yes, at first i thought of only the other one but when the prey coming to you and saying hunt me down, who i am to deny that?"

"I really don't think this is gonna end well."

"Of course not. FOR THEM. This is not gonna end well for them."


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