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'Jeon fucking Jungkook! Don't you dare to roll your eyes at me'

'Jin, stop acting like my mom. You are embarrasing.' Jungkook looked away from Jin and focused on his Laptop

'You ungreatful monkey. I make food for you, take care of you and you roll your eyes at me? How dare you?' Jin took the gun from the drawer of the table and pointed it on Jungkook's jaw.

'Now you look like the brother of a Mafia. I totally understand why Namjoon fall for you.' Jungkook chuckled.

'Now get your lazy ass from here and eat your breakfast.'

'I told you i'm not hungry Jin hyung'

'If you don't want this bullet go through your beautiful face then come at the kitchen within 5 minutes.' Jin put down the gun and stormed out from Jungkook's home office

Jin is really sweet and lovely until it's comes to food. He loves feeding others, and of course jungkook. He raised Jungkook when Jungkook was 14 years old. Since then he's been Jungkook's mother and father both. He doesn't belong to the mafia world. He's a well known fashion designer and a Model. Well, Jin is really handsome. But, since his lil brother is a mafia, sometimes he himself acts like one when his brother or his fiance, Namjoon, act like spoilt brats.

'Woah Jin hyung, you look really handsome on this.' Jungkook took the magazine from the counter while eating.

' Jungkook took the magazine from the counter while eating

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'Being handsome is written in my blood. You don't need to mention it.' Jin flicked his imaginary long hair

'Is Namjoon hyung still sleeping?'

'Yeah, you don't let my fiance grab his breath for good.' Jin pouted

'You know it's not easy to survive in a new place. If it was Busan, he could have slept all day. But now we need to settle down here so works are more important right now. It's ok let him sleep. But tell him to come to office by 9am.' Jungkook finished his breakfast and went off for work

Jungkook was working in his office. The door opened and his secretary entered.

'Mr. Jeon someone is looking for you. Said it's urgent.'

'Who is it?'

'He said he's name is Lee hyun'

'Tell him to come later I'm busy working'

'He gave this to me to give it to you'

She handed him a card where Jungkook saw nothing but a line written 'About The Vs'. He's eyes immediately widen and he told his secretary to bring him inside.

'Hello Mr. Jeon nice to meet you' Lee hand out for a shake but Jungkook didn't budge from his seat. So he pulled his hand and sat down.

'How do you know me and what's the thing about the Vs?' Jungkook asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Serendipity Of The Mafias | Vkook | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now