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Taehyung entered his cabin and saw Jimin sitting there on the sofa, alone. He expected Yoongi there too.

"Where's Yoongi?" Taehyung asked being annoyed by the olders absence

'Yoongi is busy. He has a client meeting to handle today. And also he is pissed off with you. What the hell was that yesterday? Care to explain?'

'That's why i asked yoongi to come too. Whatever, I don't do anything without any reason. This the first time someone threaten me with my business directly by saying that he will take over it. I was quite impress by the bold statement to be honest.' Taehyung said recapturing those bold words.

'But you can't let that happen-'

'Of course I won't Jimin. Don't be stupid. You think there is anyone capable of taking over me? Kim Taehyung? If not, then just trust me. And call Lee Hyun. I want to meet him.'

'Lee Hyun? That son of a bitch? No way!' Jimin said in disbelief.

'We need bitches in this business Jimin. Not puppies.' Taehyung smirked

Lee Hyun was Taehyungs old business partners. They were in good terms until Lee Hyun became greedy started asking for more profit. He even wanted to get her daughter get married with Taehyung so that he can take over his properties too. But Taehyung rejected and broke the partnership with Lee and Lee moved out. But Taehyung this is a good opportunity to use him.


Taehyung was walking down the streets in the afternoon. He often comes to this place too refresh his mind from the dark world that he belongs. The atmosphere around soothes him. He was looking a normal boy, no one can believe this boy is the Boss of the Mafias in Seoul city.

 He was looking a normal boy, no one can believe this boy is the Boss of the Mafias in Seoul city

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(Imagine this is the look but in he's in a park)

He was walking and suddenly someone bumped into him. He quickly grabbed the person by the waist to prevent him from falling. But the person grabbed his hand, yanked out from his waist and twisted it behind. Taehyung almost winched in pain but didn't make any sound.

'What the fuck? I just saved you from falling on the ground.' Taehyung annoyingly said.

'You just don't grab someone by the waist all of a sudden.' He looked at the person and met those familiar doe eyes he saw yesterday. Jungkook, well he doesn't know his name still. He had a white sweat shirt on and a grey sweatpant. His hair was tied behind in a manbun. Looked like he was talking a jog.

 Looked like he was talking a jog

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(Imagine him again in a park)

'Oh it's you' Jungkook said like he got annoyed by the presence of Taehyung

'You live near?' taehyung casually asked. He had to admit Jungkook was looking etheral

'None of your business Mr V.' Jungkook scoffed.


'Huh?' Jungkook asked, looking confused.

'Kim Taehyung. Don't call me V. At least not here.' Taehyung said looking at the younger

'I didn't know a mafia reveals his name to other mafia just like this casually. You must be really smart, or really stupid.' Jungkook chuckled

'You are too straightforward aren't you? Though I like straightforward people.' Taehyung smirked

'Well Taehyung, I don't like wasting extra words for random people.'

'Random people? I thought we were rivals.'

'I don't count anyone as my rivals. They just exist or doesn't exist. That's it.' Jungkook said boldly. Taehyung laughed at the words internally but kept his poker face in front of the younger.

Without saying any other words Jungkook left the place and Taehyung went on.

Taehyung kept thinking on how he will persue his plans. But the thought of it made him think again. The boy that he was planning to get rid of captured a place in Taehyung's heart since the day Taehyung met him. He couldn't help but keep thinking of him. But he can't let his family suffer for a random boy whom he just met 2days ago. So stick to his plans, wiping all the thoughts from his mind.

'Lee Hyun, I need you to do something for me'

'What's the prize?'

'Regain the partnership.'

'I want more'

'I'm not marrying your daughter.'

'I want half of the share of your company'

'Are you out of your mind?'

'Then I'm going.'

'Ok, I'll think about it. Just do what i explained.'


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