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Jungkook sat on a chair in hospital. Silent. He's frozen. He's not even crying. His body is frozen like an ice. Like a stone. He's still.

He's lifeline is fighting with his own life inside those closed door.

All of them are here. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyungs Parents. Jimin and Taehyung's mom is crying since they got here.

Jungkook's feeling suffocated. He's feeling like all of these people, who are suffering from grief, is just because of him. All of this is his fault.

Taehyung is dying.

Because of me.

The doctor came out and all of them stood up to talk to him.

"Doctor! Please tell us how is he? Is he okay? Please doc!" Jimin sniffs and tried to speak

"His condition is critical. We are trying our best. But we can't assure you anything just yet."

"NO! TELL ME YOU ARE LYING!" Jimin almost shouted.

"Sir, please calm down. We are doctors. We are doing everything we can do. Please have patience."

Doctor then went away.

"Jimin hyung. He will come back. He promised me."

Jungkook voice cracked. He wanted to put all his beliefs in those words. Taehyung promised him he will not leave him. When they were on their way to the hospital, Taehyung held his hand and said

"Baby, I'm gonna protect you. Whatever it takes. I promise."

"He said he's gonna protect me. He has to come back."

Jimin hugs jungkook and started sobbing so hard. Yoongi caressed his back while trying to calm him down.

Jungkook thinks... This was not supposed to happen. He can't be loved by someone this much. He's loved to the extended where his lover took a bullet for him. He blames himself. He couldn't even tell him that he loves him. He loves Taehyung.

Will fate be this cruel? Will fate wont let him express his true feelings?

Every minute that passes, his hopes falls down by one drop.

Give him back to me.


I have to tell him

I love him....

"Son, come here."

Taehyung's mom calls Jungkook. She tells him to sit beside her. And he obeys.

"I don't know you personally. Never got a chance to meet you in person. But Tae talked about you. I know how you are feeling."

Jungkook doesn't say anything. Just nods.

"You did nothing wrong. The situation made you like this. I know how much you care about him. He's gonna come back"

She reaches for his head and gently puts it over her shoulder for him to lean on. Jungkook feels like home. He didn't get this type of affection after his mother died.


Love is weird. When it happens, how it happens, with whom it happens, no one really knows.

It brings you all the happiness in the world. Then again, it brings you sorrow. Pain.

You feel the highest level of pain from the person you love the most. Because you care about that person.

And Jungkook cares about Taehyung. A lot. Taehyung is the one that made him feel like, he can also love. He can also be happy. Taehyung made him realise that nothing is more precious than love. Love can conquer evil. Love can take over hate. Love can beat hatred.

Our life is not fair. What we want, we don't always get it. There are some people who craves for a little bit of affectation. On the other hand, some get it, but don't realise until they've lost it. Jungkook feels like that. He feels like he's lost it.

I will get it back

I promise

I promise i will never let you down


He remembers that one time, when he couldn't sleep because he had a little bit of fever. He's sensitive when he gets sick. He can't help it. Everytime he gets sick, either he loses appetite for food, or gets insomnia. That time was for insomnia. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't sleep. So he told taehyung that he can't sleep and he wished if he was there. It was 30 mintues later or so when Taehyung was standing outside his door with chicken stock soup and his favorite banana milk. He was shocked. But he was happy. Taehyung refused to leave that night. Instead they cuddled and Taehyung made sure jungkook had a sound sleep.

All these memories are punching holes in his heart now. Will he get to make more? Will get to return what he received? Will Taehyung come to his door next morning with a bouquet of tulips saying 'Babe, i told you I'll come back'

Will he?

6 hours have passed since doctor went to the OT. Jin went home to bring some clothes for Jungkook and Jimin as they said they will be staying here. Jimin was now a lot calm. He was half asleep while Yoongi held him close to his chest.

After some time the door opened and the doctor came out.

"How is he?" Jungkook asks. Crossing his fingers. His heart pounding like it is gonna come out of his chest. His body is shivering.

"I'm sorry"

The doctor says....


Wait for the next chapter before you kill me please😭😭😭

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