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"Taehyung mailed me and said to forget whatever deal it was. This is bad."

"Bad? This is worst. He's helping him. This was supposed to be opposite of what ever the fuck is happening."

"What will you do now?"

"I'm not a man of backing out Lee. I have other plans. Guess things are gonna be messed up soon."


"How are you so lovey dovey all of a sudden when a few days ago you almost broke my ear by shouting." Taehyung said while Jungkook was holding his arm and rested on his shoulder

"I can be that now too. But I choose not to. Do you have any problem?" Jungkook gave a death glare which made Taehyung laugh.

"I certainly not. But the waiter who brought the food sure had a problem." They were in a private restaurant in a private place. Since Jungkook is not ready to come to public yet.

"I don't give two fucks."

"You can give one." Taehyung smirked. Jungkook elbowed him sl hard that he winched in pain.

"See, this is what i was talking about. One moment you hold onto me and then you want to kill me."

"At first, I did. But now that i look at you, I feel pity."

"Is this your way of talking romantically you are threatening me?"

"OK! I never did this! Bare with me or go fuck off."

Taehyung again laughed as Jungkook was no longer leaning on to. He hold his palms in his big ones and looked him in the eye. The eyes that made him fall in love. The eyes in which he drowned and has no plans to get up. He wants to be there for the rest of his life.

"This is why I love you. You are just you. I won't say you are perfect for me or you are just my ideal type or whatever terms there are. I love you because you are you. And I'm glad you gave me a chance"

He then smiled and placed a soft kiss on Jungkooks cheeks who again tried so hard not to blush but his cheeks betrayed.


You are you, just a little bit weak for me."

"If I didn't like you, i would have showed who's the weak one. You're lucky that i like you."

The rest of the time they both did these sweet and sour bickering and time flew by.

Taehyung never thought he will have a life like this. A life where he will not have to think of anything else but spend time with someone who makes your heart feels good, warm, and absolutely flustered. He was falling more and more for Jungkook. And he does not want it to stop.


Jungkook came home and the first thing he has to handle now is Jin. Because for the first time in his life, he entered the door with a really foolish and flustered smile on his face and not a furrowed eyebrow with anger boiling through his veins.

"What happened to you? Are you sick? Do you have fever? Let me call a doctor."

"Jin hyung, why on earth will i be sick?"

"You're not? Then how are coming home with all that smiley face? Did you give a hard time to Namjoon?"

"You only think i give Joon hyung hard times and i feel happy for it? What a shame"

"What other reasons it could be?"

"I had a fine day. Really fine."

It was a fine day for him. He was with someone he never thought he will be. It was beyond his imagination. But yet, he is now, started to fell for the one he once thought to compete with. Or even considered finishing him.

But the second thought was long gone now. Now sees him differently. He loves holding his arms, he loves when the other cups his cheek and places a forehead kiss. He loves when the other just seek for reason to send him tulip bouquets. 2days ago he sent a bouquet saying 'Thanks for Letting me call you babe'

He's crazy.

"I think I like someone."

"Huh? I didn't catch what you said."

"I said i like someone." Jungkook said voice a little high this time

"What!!!!???!?!???" You? Jungkook?  Like someone?  Like, like like someone?" Jin looked like he received a 1000volt shock

"You are so dramatic."

"I am not! I am everything except dramatic right now. You like someone? This is the reason why you were looking all that a few moments ago??"


"I think i might cry now. Tell me who is she? How does she look? What's her name?" Jin yanked Jungkook by his wrist and sat down on the couch to have a serious gossip

"Um.... He"

"I don't know but i think i love you even more now."

"But I don't know how this will go because It's complicated. For the circumstances. And Namjoon probably will have a lot of problem."

"Joon? Why? And listen to be honey, everything is possible if you really want that. If you really like him, you will make the circumstances go on your way."

"You don't understand. It's actually a lot critical. Besides, both our life is unpredictable."

"Wait, what am i thinking, is that right?"

"What are you thinking? "

"Is this... That... Hospital guy that kept sending you flowers?"

"Why did you think it is him?"

"Namjoon and I have conversations about work too ok?"

"Ok it is. Yeah i like him. Because he confessed to me first. And I don't know how I will manage both worlds now."

"Whatever decision you take, take wisely. I will always be here to support you. And if you need help to talk to Joon, tell me ok?"

"I need time. I'll figure out something."

How much I wish i was an ordinary boy.


Short update after so long😫

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