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Tuesday arrived within a blink of an eye. None of the latters know what's waiting for them. Specially Jungkook. He has absolutely no clue about what he was gonna witness when he reaches his destination. So while he drives there, his mind stays carefree and stable. Unaware of the fact that he's about to meet Taehyung after a long time. Unaware of the fact that, something wrong is going to happen.

"Hello there Jungkook. How have you been?" Taemin greets him reaching out for his hand. Jungkook takes it as a professional manner.

"Good. Now Let's get to business already. You said you have a new deal to sign but there's something you need to discuss in private?" Jungkook says. He wants to finish this meeting as soon as possible and go home.

"Yeah,but what's so hurry? Relax. Have a drink." Taemin offers him a glass of wine.

"No, thanks. I'm not in a mood for drinking right now. Tell me, what's this deal about?"

"Okay, if you insist. The thing is, this deal is already signed with another partner of mine. I thought i need you too."

"You want more investment or something?"

"You can say that. After all, I'm getting the two most powerful businessman as my partners. The investment is too damn good for me." Taemin says with a smirk. Jungkook looks a little confused at what he actually meant.

"What do you mean by that?"

"He meant me" Jungkook hears a familiar voice. A voice he's been dying to hear for months. A voice, he hates more than anything now. A voice that sends shivers down his spine. He looks over Taemin. And there, stands Kim Taehyung, whom he once loved.


"Oh you remember my name. Good to know."

They stares at each other for some time. If eyes could kill, Taehyung would be dead by now.

"Well,well love birds. Take it easy."

Now who's voice is this?!

Taehyung and Jungkook both looked confused. But the confusing soon went away when Lee Hyun came out of nowhere and stood in front of them.


Excuse me what?

This wasn't supposed to happen?

Oh my god!

Taehyung is going insane. This is not what he planned. This is absolutely not he was thinking to encounter. Lee Hyun was out of the scene. It was meant to be only Taemin, him and Jungkook. But soon enough, he realised that, he's going to be trapped in his own plan.


"Jimin, listen. I'm going to earn trust from Taemin and get to know what his actual intentions are"

"Tae, this is going to be dangerous."

"That's why I'm telling you all these. You are gonna help me. Won't you?"

"Of course i will. I will do anything for you"

"And I will do anything for Jungkook."

*flashback ends*

Before he get to think what he's gonna do, he finds himself tied up to his chair. As well as Jungkook.

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