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Jungkook sits back at his chair, mind going a little messy.

He did wanted to be back with Taemin's partnership but the sudden changes of his life made him take back what he said. Though he is on a good terms with him. But as soon as Taemin got to know he's partnered with Taehyung, he comes to warn. Sure he knows better, he knows they had conflicts before all these but that should not bother him. Not anyone. It's a business world after-all. Everyone just wants profits and nothing else. Then why all the care?

Jungkook has no idea.


"Ok listen bitch, you can't just tell me to sit here and work. You are not the boss. I am." Taehyung sounds so pissed off.

"Watch me do that." Jimin is not an easy one also

"Why are you doing this? Do I ever tell you to not go to Yoongi hyung and not suck his face off? Let me go! I haven't seen him since yesterday!" Taehyung whines

"You are unbelievable! Even Yoongi never does that to me and we're dating for years now. You got a boyfriend for what? 2months now? And get all this whiney if you don't see each other for 1 day."

"Please! I'll come back in 1 hour i promise! "

"Bold of you to assume that I'll believe this shit. Last time you went, you didn't return the whole night. I'm not letting you go before you finish signing all these files and take a decision about the deals that has to be done by Monday. You finish that, You're free"


Taehyung is all bossy and everything except when it's come to Jimin. Jimin can be very sweet and angelic but when it comes to work, and it's unfinished, he wont give two fucks about who you are.

So Taehyung has no choice but to finish this.

*Text from Love*

'Mr Kim, looks like
someone forgot something

'Baby, I didn't. It's just
work pressure.  Jimin Won't
Let me go until i finish this.'

'Jimin hyung going to
Be the end of me. Jin apparently
happen to love jimin more
than me now.'

'Woah really? But the thing
is Jin loves me the most.
he sent me kimchi the other
day last time I craved for it.'

'When will this
Jungkookphobia end?'

'Never. Because only I have
the vaccine for that and I'm not
Giving it to anyone.'

'Listen Mr Kim, I can't wait
anymore. I'm coming to your
office, you better have some
Kimchi ready for me as I'm
Craving it right now.'

'You coming for kimchi?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) '

'I'm gonna pretend
I don't know what that
face means.'


Taehyung keeps his phone down, smiling to himself as he waits for jungkook to come.

Jungkook comes within 15 minutes. As soon as he enters the room, taehyung flashes a really big boxy smile, seeing the love of his life. Jimin apparently didn't want to bother them and actually wanted them to have a quality time. So being the best soulmate he is, he takes all the files and leaves the two to spend some time alone. He even tells the secretary outside to not allow anyone until jungkook leaves.

The two men hugs each other and shares some soft kisses before sitting down on the couch, close to each other. Taehyung actually brought some kimchi for him as he knows how much he loves it. Making him getting excited which is rare to witness. Taehyung coos as he watches the younger eating like a bunny.

This was really a peaceful moment. Though they probably had something else in their mind but that's long gone now. They now sit there, talk to each other with random stuffs, laugh at each other, steals some sweet kisses every now and then. The time was beautiful. Taehyung realises how mucj he had fallen for this boy. Everything the boy does, gives his heart a warmth, a feeling that can't be described with words. The way he scrunches his nose, flashes a bunny smile, his hand tucks his hair behind his ear, everything, every details is heavenly for Taehyung.

If he never believed in fairy tales, he sure started to believe it by now.

"I don't wanna go but guess I have no choice." Jungkook says as he leans on taehyungs shoulder.

"I wish I could stop you but Jimin will kill both of us."

"I will actually. But if you finish this work by today, i may book a date at my restaurant for you two because you guys are so fucking cute the fuck!" Jimin blurts as he entered the cabin looking at the two leaning their head over each other.

"Okay I understand why Jin hyung loves you and not me." Jungkook says standing up.

"Everyone loves Jimin. Jimin is an angel. Bound to love." Jimin says sassily as both of them laughs.

"I will see you tomorrow baby" Taehyung placed a kiss on Jungkook's forhead and the latter exits.

When jungkook exited the elevator and was going to his car, something caught his eyes. Someone a little far from him, going to a department of the building.

Lee Hyun?


"Is everything ready? The cctv?"

"Yes sir, everything is ready. It was so dangerous. I almost got caught by a worker. Luckily i managed to lie. I want bigger price."

"You will get it. Now give it to me."



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