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It's been a month since that happened. That, as in, the unexpected situation between Taehyung and Jungkook. From enemies to lovers, they became enemies again. No ones gonna believe they were in love. Or maybe, they still are. They still are in love and that's why the aggression is more than ever.

They haven't seen each other after that incident. Taehyung has been avoiding all the parties, clubs, etc etc to avoid meeting with Jungkook. But he knows, soon he's gonna meet him. He's gonna see him, probably for the last time.

"Yes,everything is ready. He's coming on Tuesday." Taemin says when Taehyung seated there lazily.

"Good, as soon as it's over, I'll be free. And you too. Better finish it already." Taehyung said, not looking at him

"We are still on 60/40 deal. I'm not going for 50/50."

"I told you, I don't have any interest in that. I just want him finished."

"That will happen."

Taemin leaves. Taehyung is going to do it. He's been planning on it for a month now. Everything is going according to the plan. If this plan succeeds, he will succeed. No more pain.


Jungkook has worked on himself a lot in last couple of weeks. It took him time to recover from the heartbreak he received. He is not going to allow himself to that again. His only focus is now his business and his family. Working all day and night, restlessly paid off. He again got on track with his business. The downfall is recovered. He's been signing big deals with companies now. Looked like everything is falling into pisces once again.

Everything, except the hole in his heart. That hole can't be repaired. Maybe it's okay for him. It will remind him till the end of his life that, at the end, you have only you. Only you can save yourself.

"Tuesday at 6pm"

"Okay, clear all my scheduled for that day then. I don't wanna burden myself."

"Are you sure you are going alone?"

"Joon, it's just Taemin. You know him."

"Yeah but still, you know these days, i can't really trust anyone. And suddenly he's asked you for a private meeting."

"Nothing will happen ok? Don't worry."

Jungkook knows it can turn out dangerous. But yet, he wants to do it himself. Maybe he's beeing so brave, or so fool.

After the partnership broken with Taehyung, Taemin offered him to get back with him. And they are doing great since then. It's like old times.




"What if this go wrong? What am i gonna do?"

"You should have thought about it before taking the decision right? You didn't even tell me before agreeing to all these."

"I know! I know i should have told you. But you also know that this is the only chance i have."

"I know. And I'm doing what you told me to do. Everything is ready."

"If this goes wrong, I'm gonna be able to forgive myself"

"Tae, honey, it will be alright."


Short update!
This story is coming to and end soon. Maybe 2 or 3 more chapters.
Thank you so much for 1 thousand reads <3
This is my first book and i have no experience in writing so i hope everyone will understand <3
Take love <3

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