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*2 weeks later*

The stock record for Bangtan Corporation has dramatically fallen and some deals have been cancelled without any prior notices. Namjoon checks all these information and can't process anything.

This can't be happening

What he is going to do, how he is going to tell jungkook?

Jungkook is currently with Taehyung on a date. This news can ruin their moment but he has no choice. He has to inform jungkook.

*Call from Joon Hyung*
'Jungkook, immediately come to
Office now'

'Why? Is everything okay?'


I can't explain everything over
phone. But no, nothing is okay. Come as soon as possible.'
*call ends*

Jungkook put down the phone and told taehyung everything. They both decided to go together. Though Jungkook told him that it's probably nothing that important, he will handle it but Taehyung didn't listen. So they both went to Jungkooks office together.

"What happened?" jungkook asked as he entered the office. Taehyung trailing by

"Our stock dropped by 7% and 3 of the dealere cancelled the deal."

"What?!" Jungkook shouted.

"How can this happen?" Taehyung asked, he was confused. Because he saw his stock market records earlier and it was perfectly okay. So he thought obviously the other one will be on good term.

"Let me show you how this happened."

An unfamiliar voice for Taehyung and a very familiar voice for the other two.

There stands Taemin with a devilish grin on his face.

"You probably haven't seen the news headlines. See this first."

Taemin hands them the news paper he had with him. Namjoon took the paper and started reading it out loud.

"A couple of days ago, the CEO of Bangtan Corporation was spotted holding hands with the CEO of Vante Association.

Reports says that Mr Jeon wanted to take over the Vante Association but the CEO got carried away by the charm and partnerd with Mr Kim

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Reports says that Mr Jeon wanted to take over the Vante Association but the CEO got carried away by the charm and partnerd with Mr Kim. But the recent record shares some spicy news about the undeclared couple. The stock record for Bangtan Corporation has fallen at a large scale while the other one got profit.

Sources says that it was all pre planned business techniques to regain all the profits that Vante Association lost a couple of months ago because of Bangtan Corporation........"

Namjoon finished reading and now none of them can't believe what just happened. He can already sense that Jungkook's anger was rising as his veins started to pop ut from his neck

"Jungkook, are you seriously going to believe what these stupid sources news portals write?" Taehyung takes Jungkooks hand but Jungkook retreated. His mind started to go fuzzy. He can't believe this.

"Mr Kim, don't act all this now. I told Jungkook not to believe you and he did. And I knew this will happen. Lee Hyun is after all, your faithful partner." Taemin says

"Lee Hyun? He is your partner?" Jungkook looks at taehyung with utter disbelief

"He was Jungkook. We arent no more. But how do you know?"

"Because Lee Hyun came to me when i first came to Seoul. He wanted to help me to take you down."

"Oh he didn't Jungkook. Actually, Mr Kim wanted to take you down, so he sent Lee Hyun to you, so that he can get informations about your work so that he can use it against you." Taemin's words felt like dagger to Jungkook

"This is rubbish!" Taehyung went to Taemin and pulled him by his collar.

"Let me finish little boy. I have proof."

Taemin took out a pen drive from his pocket and connected it to the laptop. Then he played a video of Taehyung and Lee Hyun talking in his office about something and then they ends up shaking each others hand. The date was pretty clear, it was a day before when Lee came to Jungkook. Jungkook then remembered the other day when he saw Lee leave the office of Taehyung.

Things started to clear up for him.

"Jungkook Don't believe all these rubbish! Ok i asked Lee but that was way before. And this is absolutely not what i told him to do.  I told-"

Taehyung got cut off when suddenly Jungkook pulled a gun from his drawer and poined it towards Taehyung.

"Mr Kim, enough of your bullshit. I should have known. Why would someone suddenly act like this when he clearly knows i want to take them down"


"Shut Up! I can kill you right now but i won't. That would not be a revenge. I'll make sure to make your life miserable. For playing witj my feelings, for putting my family in this situation. I'll make you pay by your blood."

"Jungkook, I have no proof to show you right now. But the thing i am saying, is not lie. Please trust me."

"I don't want to call security on you. Leave! Right now"

With that, Taehyung left the office. Without uttering a single word.


"We did good Lee. One obstacle is gone. Now It's time for the big fish."

"I didn't think he will fall for it in one go. How dumb."

"Till today, i thought he was really smart. But guess love made him blind."

"That's our advantage though."

"It sure is. Watch me break his bone how he did to my brother."

"He's already broken I guess. You just need to bury him now Taemin."

"Of course"


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