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What is the problem with this girl? I should not be so polite.

Taehyung says in his mind when the girl was constantly flirting with him but bad no interest in it, he had no interest with humans with boobs at all. His only interest, mind, heart, body, life all belongs to one person. And that one person was not in sight.

Taehyung searched with his eyes around the house to spot jungkook but he was no where to be seen. After a couple of minutes, he finally finds him, sitting on a poolside bench, with a guy. The space between them, in taehyungs eyes was extremely short. Taehyung squinted his eyes from afar to study what was going on. But he doesn't go near.

He's eyes go wide when he sees the two laughing there ass off at whatever the other guy just told jungkook. This shouldn't make taehyung feel jealous as they were just talking and laughing but he couldn't help it. He felt jealous. As no one knows about them, he felt a little bit insecure. Though he trusts hin with all his heart, but a little possessive part of him wanted everyone to know that this guy belongs to someone.

Belongs to him.

Taehyung kept looking at them from afar when he saw Jungkook got up and went towards the bathroom. He took sometime to head out there so no one suspects him.

He saw Jungkook was over the basin washing his hands. He locked the bathroom door and grabbed jungkook by the waist turning him to face his side and and then took both of his hands and pinned on the wall, tightly.

"Hey, what the hell?" Jungkook shrugs.

"Having so much fun without me huh?" Taehyung leaned closer to him. His nose almost touching the younger's.

"You aren't?  That's bad for you."

"Why were you laughing so hard and sitting so close with that guy?"  Taehyung blurts out making jungkook smirk as his plan successfully worked out. He wanted to make him jealous.

"Oh, he's fun to talk to. Why?"

"I could clearly see he was hitting on you."

"Oh? I didn't realise though. And so what if he did?"

"He should know you belong to me."

"Yeah? Well I can't tell him about us. You know the reason."

Taehyung lets out a grin making jungkook confused.

Why is he grinning?

"But he can know you belong to at least someone"

With that being said, giving no chance to Jungkook to ask what does he mean, Taehyung leans down to kiss the youngers exposed, honey toned neck and leaving what we call the symbol that explains he belongs to someone.

His grip over the youngers hands tightens as the youngers moans while taehyung sucked his neck nibbing on it harshly but careful enough not to give any pain. When he's satisfied with his work, he pulls out to look at it, a purple love bite, he refuses to call is a hiceky. It's a love bite.

"Now he will, or everyone will know you belong to someone." Taehyung says, the same grin on his face.

"Guess I wanted this too."

With that being said, jungkook left the bathroom smiling and giggling. Now taehyung was the one who was confused.


Jungkook was working on his laptop in his office and time to time looking over the flower vase that was placed over the table.

Taehyung sent a bouquet of tulips because 'It's 1 day less than one month anniversary of them dating'.

Jungkook smiles at the thought of taehyung being so cute at times, and again being the most possessive one.

"Sir Mr.Taemin is here." Jungkook's secretary informs.

Why is he here?

"Bring him inside"

"Hey my old friend, how are you." Taemin enters with a broad smile in his face.

"I'm fine. Sit down. What brings you here Taemin?"

"I heard you've partnered with the Kims?"

"Yeah I did. What about it?"

"You and me we both know he's not just Mr Kim. He's The V. And You're JK."

"And what about it??"

"Just came to warn you. This might turn out wrong. And you know the consequences of being on the wrong side in this world."

"Well, thank you for your precious advice Taemin. But I know very well what I am doing. Thanks for coming."

Taemin gets up to exit the door but before he does he turns around to say-

"I am always open for you, if you need"

And he leaves.

What was that all about?


Short chapter before all the anxieties to come 😬

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