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After the dinner they all talked for a while and had a really good time talking to each other knowing stuffs about themselves rather than work. Like, Taehyung got to know Jungkook may be a terror in underground world, but can throw tantrums if someone drinks his banana milk. On the other hand Jungkook got to know that Taehyung can paint. Getting to know each other a little bit more is always so precious.

"Stay with us tonight Tae. It's already late." Jin suggested making both Taehyung and Jungkook flinch at there position.

"No no that's alright. I'll go home."

"There's nothing to be shy about. I know you guys want to spend some together. As it is difficult for you now. When you get a chance grab it."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and gave him a slight wink and smirk at jins words.

"When Namjoon proposed me, he used sneak out from his house to meet me. It was gold times." Jin smiles shyly

"Yes and I remember once catching you both making out right in front of the porch. Disgusting." Jungkook said with all the disgust he could bring in his face.

"Trust me kookah, what goes around comes back around." Jin smirked and gave taehyung a wink

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you will understand. Now you two can go to your room. I need my beauty sleep. Joon will be arriving in the morning, i have to look Pretty. Goodnight y'all."

With that being said Jin went to his room leaving a comfused and flustered Jungkook in the living room.

"What? You're acting like you never slept with me before?" Taehyung tried so hard not to laugh out loud

"One more word about that, and You'll be sleeping on the floor."

Taehyung just laughed and followed Jungkook to his room. It was completely opposite of his own bedroom. It was light, white, minimalistic with a tulip vase on the bed side table. Just like Jungkook's inner side, soft, fresh, mind refreshing.

(Imagine It's night time and that's Tulip)

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(Imagine It's night time and that's Tulip)

jungkook gave him a set of pjs as he came in all suited by habit. Taehyung was looking so cute and cuddly in his eyes. This always dark and rough fashion styled person was now in a comfy baggy pjs. Jungkook internally smiled.

"We should get to sleep now then." Taehyung said

"Um.. Yeah. We should " for some reason Jungkook was so nervous.

They lay down, side by side. Jungkook's heart was beating so fast, he couldn't dare to face him. So he lied face on the opposite direction.

Taehyung put his arms over Jungkook's waist and pulled him closer from the back to which Jungkook just lightly flinch.

"What? I can't hold you? The first time we 'had' to share a bed, you almost cuddled the shit out of me while sleeping."

"Shut up"

Jungkook and Taehyung tried to relax but it is physically impossible for both of them. Their breaths started to become heavy. Jungkook can feel Taehyung's warm and heavy breath over his neck. His grip on his waist was still lose but Jungkook wanted it to grow tighter, so tight that i should feel like never letting go.

He turned over and faced Taehyung.

"What's wrong baby?" Taehyung asked while rubbing his hand on the youngers back.

Jungkook didn't say anything. They stared for a few seconds and the eyes fell down to their lips. Jungkook gently leaned in to put a kiss on his lips. Taehyung smiled in between the kiss and kissed back gently.

After a few second Jungkook pulled off.

"Why don't you ever make the move?"

"Because I want you to know there is no pressure. I love you." Taehyung puts a soft kiss on his forehead

"But I wouldn't mind if you make a move, sometimes." Jungkooks eyes started gazing on random places on the ceiling, not wanting to look at taehyung as he unexpectedly started feeling shy.

Taehyung internally laughed but smirked seconds later. He suddenly got up and hovered over jungkook sliding his one hand down his waist and one hand pinning the youngers hand up his head. 

Jungkooks eyes got bigger as he looked at taehyung who was now staring at him with all the love and passion in his eyes. Half of him likes to be dominated by the older. Half of him felt so nervous. But the nervousness eased away as he felt those plump lips against his. The kiss slowly turned into a rough one as jungkook started panting. Unconsciously he parted his lips and the older wasted no time to shove his tongue inside. Their tongues dances in rhythm fighting for dominance.

Taehyung came down kissing his jawline and stops at his neck. He pulls his hand up which was holding the youngers waist and placed it on the side of his neck and tilted his head lightly. He then started kissing and sucking the youngers neck leaving as much love bites as he could. It was like, he wants to show the world that this boy belongs to him and only him. Jungkook let's out moans as he was feeling so much good. He wanted more.

Taehyung pulled off jungkooks Pj top and threw it out somewhere. The boy has a really, really fine toned body. His abs were so intimidating. Taehyung was already going hard, and that rate just went up a little bit. Jungkook hurriedly wanted to take of his shirt too but Taehyung being a tease, got back and stood on his knees leaving jungkook confused and startled.

He then started stripping of his own shirt, slowly, painfully slow, pathetically slow, mind going crazy type of slow. Jungkook getting impatient. As soon as Taehyung fully took off his shirt he pulled his hands and pinned him down and hovered him. Now jungkook was on top and taehyung was on bottom.

The younger is quite strong, those muscles aint no joke. Taehyung can feel that as jungkook was now over him. He likes a possessive, dominating jungkook. But jungkook had something else in his find.

Jungkook leaned to kiss taehyungs neck and place hickeys all over. But, with pleasure taehyung felt a little bit of pain as he bites him a little bit harder.

"This is for teasing me Mr Kim."

Oh shit! Do I now have a kink for Mr Kim???

Taehyung realises as his member twitched between his boxers at this.

Oh no! He always calls me that! What am i gonna do!

"Mr Kim looks shocked. What happened Mr Kim?"

"Don't- Don't call me Mr- Mr Kim"

Taehyung stutters as he felt a light brush of palms over his clothed member making him gulp down a moan.

"Oh! Someone seems turned on at Mr Kim. Is this your kink now?"

The strokes started to become harder. He reached his hands towards the youngers ass and started pressing it down unconsciously as he was letting out groans while the younger abused his broad neck and shoulders with hickeys. One hand rubbing his dick over his clothes.

Things suddenly stopped making both the boys startled as they heard a loud break downstairs. A sound of something breaking. They put on their clothes to go down and see what happened.

The thing they discovered after coming down was unbelievable.

Kim Namjoon, stumbled over a large ass expensive vase and broke it.

Are you fucking kidding me?

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