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'Jimin, bring those files in my cabin. Now.'

Taehyung cut the call and started working. He's been busy lately. He's overworking himself to get back on track of his business. And he's doing well. He sorted out the matter with Yoongi too.

Taehyung took a break from his work and decided to so he called Jimin and went to his private bar.

'Tae, I heard JK was at your home 2days ago. What are you trying to do?' Jimin asked

'Nothing. I just saved him from getting killed by driving while being drunk.' Taehyung said without looking at Jimin

'But why do you care? You could've called someone to take him.'

'I'm not inhuman. I may be a Mafia but I don't hate on people for being drunk right?'

'Don't tell me you like that boy.' Jimin said raising his eyebrows.

'You're out of your mind. I'll tell yoongi you need his dick so bad. You are talking shit lately.' Taehyung chuckled and Jimin hit hard on his chest making him whimper in pain.

They finished their little drinking session and went to work again. They were sober as they just took 1 shot and spent most of the time bickering with each other. Taehyung kept thinking about what Jimin said. Because he never got involved into a relationship before. Nor did he had any kinds of feeling. But this lad makes him feel different. Though he is his rival. That's the only thing that is preventing him from thinking further. He can't sacrifice his business for anything, anyone.

*cring cring*
'Hello? Who's this?'

'Kim Taehyung, long time no see.'

'What do you want Lee Hyun? You've doing nothing I told you to do. Forget about the deal'

'Oh I am doing kid. Check out your mails. You'll get what you need. And about the dea-'

*beep beep*

Taehyung cut the call and checked his mails. There was an attached file. He examined it carefully and let out a chuckle.



'Taemin I heard You're running your business in Seoul too now'

'Yes JK, you heard it right. I would have contacted you before if i knew you are gonna move in here. I miss our old days.'

'Let old days be back.'

'You want to start a partnership?'

'Why not? You were my partner in Busan. I don't forget people easily. Do I?'

jungkook and Taemin both laughed and shook hands. Taemin was a good partner of crime in Busan. Taemin moved to Seoul Few years ago when Jungkook took over Busan's underworld business. He trusts Taemin so he told him to be his partner again. But he didn't tell him about Lee Hyun. Lee Hyun could be a great use of him as he knows about the Vs a lot than he himself does. You can't run a Mafia world all alone in a new city. You need partners.

Jungkook went back to his work after the meeting with Taemin. He was typing something on his laptop when Namjoon rushed into his cabin.

'Jungkook, did you heard that a man was found dead on the bar you went two days ago?'

'No? So what? '

'The man is just a random person. No dark background. He died because there was poison in his drink.' Jungkook raised an eyebrow when Namjoon said this and gave him the picture of the man.

'This man was sitting beside me. I. Remember. He was drunk like crazy. He took a shot what was meant to be mine. So someone tried to kill me. Guess I'm a lucky badass.' Jungkook smirked.

'This isn't funny! What could have happened if you took that drink you any idea?' Namjoon furrowed

'It's ok hyung, I'm fine and sound right in front of you. I hope the bartender is in his place?'

'Police took him to the custody. I can't bring him to the basement. But we can meet him.'

'So be it' With that, Jungkook stood up and went to the police station.

'Believe me sir, I don't know his name. He didn't tell me. He just gave me a lot of cash, i was greedy.'  The bartender cried out loud.

'That's crocodile's tear for me. I guess your luck is too damn shit that I am alive.'

'Please sir-'

'Tell me how that man looked like'

'He was wearing a mask. I didn't see his face. He was average height and had a deep voice. That's all i remember.'

'Well you are no use to me then. I'll make sure you never get out of this hell.' Jungkook got up and left the room.

He rubbed his temples with his fingers. Someone tried to kill him. But as far as he know there's no one who he has a beef with in Seoul. Except for Taehyung. Did Taehyung did this? Taehyung was the one who picked him up from the bar that night. But if wanted to kill him, he could have done it easily at his home or on the street when he was unconscious. Jungkook kept thinking and thinking but no one crossed his mind. For the time being he let off this topic and concentrate on his work.


Taehyung was in his mansion when he received a parcel. There was no note outside from who it came from. It looked like someone sent him an early birthday gift.

He opened the box and there was the clothes he let Jungkook wear

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He opened the box and there was the clothes he let Jungkook wear. Washed and pressed. Smelling so nice. There was a small card on top of it. He took it and turn it over.

Jeon Jungkook'


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