Chapter 45(Emma POV)

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Chapter 45: Running Out Of Time⏳

"I'm...I'm sorry that happened to you...on your first day. But doesn't...give you...any right drown me." I said as I gasped for air as I went underwater again. "True, true, but you know what, it does make me feel a whole lot better. Also it looks like you're about to run out of time sweetie," Maddison said as she moved her eyes to something behind me. I turn my head around to see what she is looking at and I see a big wave rushing toward me. I turned my head back and used all my strength in my arm and frantically tried my best to swim ashore. But the waves are too strong and are pushing me back,not wanting me to go back to shore. I can feel my strength getting weaker and weaker as I go. Can't...can't hold on anymore, can't breathe, running out of oxygen, too tired. I'm sorry Mom. Olivia. Alex... I gave up trying and let my sore arms drop as the big wave swallowed me under. I closed my eyes as memories of my Mom, Olivia and Alex rushed into mind as I began sinking and sinking. I smile when I hear Olivia echoing my name again and again through my head. Good-bye world...

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