01. brunch and fluffy handcuffs

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               "So you're alive

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"So you're alive." The words leave Adalena's tongue at an average rate, her soothing drawl filling the bedroom that stunk of sex and alcohol.

She barely bats an eye at the naked woman wrapped up in crumpled silk sheets and instead, focuses her attention on the man who was getting dressed just feet away from his floor to ceiling windows.

Adriano Santino avoids her gaze as he ties the strings to his grey sweatpants and sighs, "What are you doing here, Lena?"

The woman in question arches a freshly waxed brow and rests a hand on her full hip, her red stiletto shaped nails contrasting against her brunch outfit — a cropped white silk shirt that tied in the front and a pair of bell bottom jeans that hugged her thick thighs. Her belly button piercing glimmers under the rays of sunlight blasting through the windows and her plastic-strapped heels adorn her manicured feet.

Adriano, on the other hand, was disheveled. His hair was messy, scratch marks on his back, lips swollen, and the stench of alcohol radiates from his pores. She can spot a red lipstick stain on the cross located on his chest and rolls her eyes the hardest she's ever rolled them.


"Why do you think I'm here, Adriano?" She retorts sarcastically. Pulling a pair of pink, fluffy handcuffs from her casual Hermès Birkin bag, she holds it up as evidence with a fake smile on her face, "I'm your parole officer. I'm doing my job."

The girl in the bed gasps at her words and turns to the man that sighs at his best friend's attempts to embarrass him, "Do you two have something going on?" She holds the sheets to her naked breasts and curls further into the pillows, "Oh my God, did I sleep with a guy in a relationship?"

Adalena smirks as the woman rushes to grab her things, but she didn't have to look very far — her conquest from the night before had already gathered her clothes and put them on the bed by her feet.

While Adriano knew completely well that there was nothing serious between him and Lena (much to his disappointment), he didn't bother debating his relationship status with the woman that left scars on him last night.

When she finally dressed herself completely, her attempt to brush her hair down is overlooked by her actively running out of the bedroom and eventually the house.

Adriano sighs, a moment passing as he sends Adalena an annoyed glare.

The woman just tilts her head and with an innocent smile, tucks the handcuffs back into her bag. The longer she looked at him, the harder she had to try not to break out into a fit of laughter.

"You're late." She says finally, moving around the room to rest her bag on one of the love seats in the corner, gracefully sitting in the other one. The two knew there was no point in bringing up the previous interaction.

Adriano begins to strip his bed, ignoring the stains that darkened the sheets. "For what?"

"Brunch." Adalena watches as his back muscles and broad shoulders shift and transform as he completes a simple chore — debedding his bed. A naughty smirk grows on her face.

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