03. doubts and dealing

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               Adriano wasn't sure

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               Adriano wasn't sure.

It wasn't that he lied to her, he was just jaded by the fact that she trusted him enough to ask in the first place. For as long as he's known her, he's been in love with her. The way she commanded the attention of everyone in every room she's walked into. The way she gives every part of herself to every project she's apart of. The way she jokes. The way she laughs. The way she smiles. The way she submerges herself into every moment between them.

He's never known someone as perfect as her. And, frankly, he doesn't want to.

It's been a couple of weeks — Remi and Jori were new additions to the family, his twin brother the happiest he's ever seen him with his woman and pseudo-son.

Adriano was nervous to go back to Las Vegas now that the entire mess with Ghost was over, mainly because he'd been a bit distant with Adalena. She sent him the results of her consultation and he'd responded, but then he got in his head about parenthood and how co-parenting with the woman he's in love with would go.

That's when the questions to Farrah and Remi started rolling in. That's when he started hanging out with the babies more — almost as an experiment against himself.

Is he worth fatherhood?

As he counted up the money from the most recent drug deal between the Santinos and a lower mob, he questioned it the most. It's the last business he would take care of before he goes back to Las Vegas. He'd be back in time for New Year's.

Domenico seems to be balancing fatherhood and Donship well enough. So is Luca.

For a man confident in everything criminal, domestic situations shouldn't be what he's caught up on.

"You finally gonna tell me what's going on?" The sound of Luca's voice brings Adriano back to earth. He plops another stash in the money counting machine and leans back.

Luca noticed his twin had changed in the past couple of weeks — always hanging out with the kids, always asking questions about parenthood.

The man deadpans, "Adalena wants a baby."


Luca arches a brow, "Oh."

"She asked me."

"Oh." The older twin widens his eyes, "What did you say?"

"Yes." Adriano says, ignoring the look on his brother's face. "My dick was thinking for me."

"Nothing new."

A stack is thrown across the room, hitting Luca on the chest. The man chuckles and throws it back.

"Do you want a baby?"

The prospective father shrugs and ties another stack. "I don't know."

Luca narrows his eyes, "Did you even think before giving her an answer?"

"Even if I did, I'd probably end up with the same result." Adriano admits, "I can't just say no. It's something she wants and I'm the person she depends on the most."

"You know Lena doesn't depend on anyone."

"Then what? It's me or some ID number in a clinic." He scoffs, "And maybe I do want a kid. What's so wrong with that?"

"Nothing, fratello." Luca shakes his head, "Except you both are doing this for two very different reasons. You love her and maybe want a kid. She just wants a kid."

Luca just be shittin on everybody's plan lmfao

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Luca just be shittin on everybody's plan lmfao

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