35. brace yourself

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               The sun was starting to rise by the time we began to descend on a Sicilian airstrip

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The sun was starting to rise by the time we began to descend on a Sicilian airstrip. My eyes squint as I adjust to the sudden brightness that floods my vision.

After falling asleep some time into the flight, after Dean's mediocre suturing, the time seemed to fly by, especially the time it took to get to where we need to be — or where I need to be.

I'm still tempted to throw him out of the emergency exit.

In the time I was awake, I wracked my brain about who the fuck just shot after us. They're German, obviously, and while we have many German alliances, there are a couple of people who don't think we deserve the power we have.

Nothing new at all.

Hence why it wouldn't be a surprise if one of our enemies found out I was slightly unprotected in Vegas and decided to take a chance. And of course, they underestimate the accountant of the family.

Looking over, I see the man that's pushed his way into my life fast asleep, obnoxious snores escaping him as he curls himself into a ball, a blanket covering him.

What if I just...? My hands clench as I reach forward and mimic choking him out. He apparently can't fight back so what could the problem possibly be?

Fucking hell. A grunt of pain escapes me when I shift my body an inch. So much for doing what I have to do and going home.

• • •

              "Brace yourself." I warn as Dean and I exit the car and approach the steps to the house.

It's when I open the front door that he questions why and is immediately met with his answer. He recoils from the punch to his nose, eyes watering from the pain.

Standing right at the door is Adalena, an angry look on her face as she looks between us. Of course, I'd briefed her — vaguely — on the plane, hence her reaction.

My brothers stand behind her, watching with protective stares, Angel more annoyed than anything.

"Yeah," Dean sighs and holds his now broken nose, "I deserve that."

"Angel, let me tell you something." Adalena points to the man himself, "Go home and get the gun."

He arches a brow, "We are home —"

"Get the gun!"

Dean huffs, "I deserve that too." Though his voice is muffled by the fact that his hand partially covers his mouth.

Yeah you do, asshole.

"First you threaten my boys, then you threaten me, then you threaten my pregnancy, then you get Adriano shot?" She doesn't even blink before turning and grabbing the gun from Angel's waistband.

"Okay." I'd love to witness this — just not with the babies in the house, and definitely not when she's pregnant. I step forward and take the gun from her grasp, feeling her glare at me. "Let's save this for later."

"And you!" She pokes my chest then averts her gaze to the stitched wound on my side. I can already read her mind and catch her hand before she can poke the hole to aggravate me, "A shootout? Really? No coochie for three weeks." She whispers the last part and my shoulders drop.

"He didn't get me shot."

"He didn't not get you shot." Angel says almost menacingly, his eyes not leaving Dean who is holding his head up to stop the bleeding. Now that I think about it, he didn't even move when Lena drew his gun.

Of course.

"Let's all just calm down." I look between the two most aggressive beings in front of me before glancing at Dean. Pathetic. "Antonio, watch him."

With that, I take Adalena's hand into mine and kiss her forehead. I nod toward the briefing room and my brothers understand.

• • •

"He saved my life."

"And how do we know he didn't set it up to gain your trust?"

"I don't know, Angel."

"Don't be naïve, Adri." Angel scoffs and leans back in his seat, "Am I the only one making sense here?"

"I still don't trust him, Angel, if that's your concern." I assure my brother, "In the time he's here, he will be on a very short leash."

"That leash should be around his neck as he suffocates and dies." Angel huffs and leans back and my eyes widen.

Actually, I'm not even surprised.

Luca speaks up, "What do we do with him?"

Once again, heads turn to Adalena who is bouncing lightly on a yoga ball, hand holding her belly as she breathes in and out very sharply.

Silence passes as she remains with her eyes closed and exhales.

"He can stay." She says in a scarily serene tone. She rolls her neck, "At least for now. Let's see what he's up to. See if he's really just looking for his family."

My eye twitches, "You sure you want him around you?"

She pauses and opens her eyes. "Why not?"

"I can think of many reasons why not." Angel cuts in but Lena just shrugs.

"Good thing there are so many guns at our disposal."

listen to me

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listen to me. go home and get the gun.

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