11. tests and doubts

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               "Negative?" The accountant questions as his best friend opens the bathroom door, her bottom lip in her mouth as she looks down

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"Negative?" The accountant questions as his best friend opens the bathroom door, her bottom lip in her mouth as she looks down. He follows her gaze, caught in the single line that represents what he'd hoped it wouldn't.


It's been weeks. Adalena was getting nervous and honestly, so was Adriano. He didn't want to fail her.

She'd been doing everything right, taking her fertility drugs, doing stretches and certain positions that promote pregnancy, started a diet that helps her ovulation cycle.

Adriano hated seeing her so frustrated and it didn't matter how much they went to the gynecologist and Adalena got tested and took pills, they still weren't able to be where they wanted to be.

The woman exhales and looks up, pushing a smile onto her somber face, "It's okay. I'll just take another one."

Adriano watches her with a careful stare. He can't stand seeing her like this. It's painful and makes him feel useless. He can only imagine how she feels.

"Adalena..." He says, taking her hand into his and peeks into the bathroom on the counter, "You've taken three already."

He could tell she was trying to keep her tears at bay, "Maybe they're not as accurate as people say they are."

He sighs, "Tesoro, take a break."

She shakes her head and blinks her tears away, "No, we should just try again. Take your pants off."

As she rushes to untie his joggers, he quickly stops her, holding her wrists in his hands.

She looks up at him, eyes wet with tears.

"Breathe." He exhales.

And that's enough to bump her out of her funk and into a more appropriate response. She allows a tear to escape. If there's one thing Adalena hates doing in public, it's crying. But here, with Adriano, she can't stop herself from breaking down completely.

He holds her, one hand caressing the back of her neck, the other rubbing her back. He kisses her forehead as he pulls her even closer to his chest.

"I know, bambina." He sighs, feeling as she shakes her head.

"No you don't." She pulls away and sniffles. Turning to throw the tests into the trash, she runs a hand through her hair. Adriano watches quietly as she passes him and plops down on the bed.

She remains quiet so he approaches her.

"Why don't I know?"

"Because you weren't the one who waited until it was too late." She admits, tucking her knees under her chin. A single tear falls on her skin as she avoids his gaze, "You're not the one with the fucked up uterus."

"We're in this together, Adalena." He deadpans, squatting in front of her.

She bites her lip, "Are we?" Adriano scoffs at her words but says nothing. She continues, "Adri, this isn't working."

He furrows his brows, "Then we try something else." He pauses when her head falls back and she blinks away her tears yet again, "Why are you giving up so easily, huh? Talk to me."

She looks down and wipes a tear away at the same time, "I'm scared." He takes her face into his hands, "I'm scared that this won't work and that I'll miss my chance to be a mother because I was too focused on work. And I'm scared that if it does work, I won't be the mother my baby deserves."

Adriano watches her as she stares down at her hands. He had a feeling her sadness was rooted in what she said but he wasn't completely sure until she voiced it.

He hated to admit it, but he wasn't sure what to say. He doesn't know how she feels and he can't pretend to. All he knows is that he doesn't want to see her cry. He doesn't want her to doubt herself and her abilities.

"Hey, there can be a number of solvable reasons that this isn't working yet." He assures her and just as she's about to argue, he shakes his head and continues, "Let me finish, Lena." She stares at him, mouth closed, "I have no doubt in my mind that this will work. I promise you it will and you know how I am about my promises." He moves to sit on the bed before pulling her onto his lap. He holds her face in his hands and kisses her lips, "You will be an amazing mother and I am absolutely certain about how much of yourself you'll give to ensure your baby has the beautiful life they deserve."

Adalena remains quiet for a moment, eyes stuck on Adriano's hazel ones as he searches her soul.

Finally, she nods, "Our baby."

He blinks and suddenly, it feels real for him. Too real.

He smiles, "Our baby."

am i hating this book more and more with each chapter i publish? yes

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am i hating this book more and more with each chapter i publish? yes.

that's all 🥲

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