09. kisses and baby names

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               Kisses planted on Adalena's skin leave her yearning for more

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               Kisses planted on Adalena's skin leave her yearning for more. Adriano presses soft kisses to her throat, hands running up and down her back as a comfort.

Every time he does that, she falls further into him, ready to give herself to his skills. He just knows how to bring her comfort and make her feel like she's the only woman in the world.

"Boy or girl?" He questions, lips opening and closing against her softness.

Adalena tilts her head to the side in thought as she stares up at the ceiling. She'd always been obsessed with how high it is.

She's always been obsessed with his touch.

His words.

That's why she keeps coming back for more.

"I want a girl." Adalena admits, a soft moan escaping her when the man above her bites her neck. "Shit, Adri."

He holds her jaw and continues to kiss up her throat, turning his head at an angle so he can kiss right below her chin.

"What do you want to name her?" He asks, though Adalena can't hold on to reality for long enough to think of a response.

She sucks in a breath and moves her hands to trail down his back, fingers massaging him gently.

"I —" She swallows, "I don't know."

With Adriano situated between her parted legs, he grinds his erection against her panties seeing as her dress was hiked up. Her pussy practically pulsates as she tries to meet his dry humps with some of her own, but he holds her hips down with his free hand.

He pulls away and meets her eyes, watching as her jaw falls open with how he presses against her core, "Talk to me, tesoro. You're too prepared to not know."

As Adalena is about to respond, a moan escapes her as she feels the familiar feeling of ecstasy rush through her, "Fuck."  Her head falls back as her best friend moves her legs to give himself more space to hump everything out of her. With her legs propped up and the feeling of her soaked panties connecting to his slacks, Adriano can't help how hard he gets.

He can't even help himself from releasing a strained moan, especially when Adalena decides to hold on to his neck and meet him with humps of her own.

The pressure and friction against her clit has her burying her face into his neck. It builds and builds and builds and builds until Adriano slides his hand between the two and presses three fingers against her clit, rubbing her so quickly that Adalena has to suck in a breath.

"Fuck, I'm coming." She squeals, clamping down on Adriano's neck with her teeth as her legs shake and her grip tightens.

Instead of seething in pain, Adriano savors in her pleasure, pulling back only slightly to watch her ride through her orgasm.

"There you go, sweetheart." He runs a hand over her hair and kisses her forehead as her eyes roll back, "So fucking beautiful when you come for me."

A moment passes as Adalena pulls her arms back and stretches them above her body, fingers feathering the headboard. Her legs part and eyes open as Adriano sits up on his knees in between them.

"Amina." She finally says, taking her bottom lip into her mouth as she watches Adriano slowly unbutton his shirt, "I want to name her Amina."

She trails his tattooed fingers as they remove each button before he releases his cuffed wrists. He removes his shirt, and as always, Adalena is dumbstruck by how beautiful a single man can be.

The stick and pokes he'd done on himself are scattered all over his skin, some matching the ones he gave her.

Even on his chest, right in place of his heart is her name. It's her.

"I can't believe you tattooed my name on you, Adri." She points it out every time she sees it but she can't ever seem to get a suitable response.

He leans forward and kisses her, tongue enveloping hers as he holds her jaw before wrapping a hand around her throat and pulling her from the bed and up to him.

Her fingers make quick work to find his belt. Unbuckling it and tugging his pants down take less than a minute as she moves in heat.

Adriano, on the other hand, takes his time to dip his head into the crook of her neck and continue kissing it, feeling her body shudder in pleasure. She even has to stop her movements for a second to catch her breath.

She licks her lip as Adriano reaches around for the back of her dress. He pulls the zipper down before tugging the rest of the dress down, following its trail with wet kisses on her skin.

Removing the pasties from her nipples, he admires how well her breasts sit by attaching his mouth to her areola and sucking it. A moan escapes Adalena as she juts her hips forward and grips her best friend's soft hair.

She swallows as he trails more kisses down to the waistband of her panties. He pulls them off too, throwing them in a corner of the room,

Not much foreplay occurred, Adalena knew that much about how eager they both were.

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then I'll spend every moment I have with you pumping you full of my cum until you have a baby in here."

And then he pushes into her.

omg this was torture 🥲 it's 1am and im exhausted and i couldn't give much smut but know there's more to come :)

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omg this was torture 🥲 it's 1am and im exhausted and i couldn't give much smut but know there's more to come :)

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