34. show off

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               Flopping down onto the jet seat hasn't never felt so good — despite the bleeding hole in my side that Dean is slowly repairing

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Flopping down onto the jet seat hasn't never felt so good — despite the bleeding hole in my side that Dean is slowly repairing.

A groan of pain escapes me as he applies pressure and Dean shushes me.

"Such a baby."

"Yeah?" I say through heavy breathing, "You try getting shot."

You might be wondering... Adriano, what the fuck happened at dinner?

I'll just say it wasn't my fault.

• • •


"So diplomatic of you to offer to pay for dinner." Are Dean's first words as I lower myself on the seat across from him.

"I didn't." I deadpan.

He shrugs and smirks, "Didn't hurt to try."

It might. I itch to reach for my gun, but judging by what I saw a couple of hours ago, that wouldn't be best for family bonding. Or maybe it would be.

We'll see what he's into.

Before I can say much of anything, a waitress approaches with a wide, almost flirty smile and takes our orders. It's like she couldn't decide which of us to make a move on so she goes for both of us.

She's ambitious, I'll say that.

When she walks away, a proud smile on her face because of the attention she'd gotten from Dean, I take the chance to roll my eyes and turn to the man himself.

The restaurant we've found ourselves in isn't too occupied, people scattered across the floor as they indulge in their meals of the night. I'd sent my security off for the time being, though they remain on the block, they'd just traveled in separate cars.

"What do you want from me?"

He huffs out a short laugh, "Was me telling you everything about me not enough of a hint?" I arch a brow, portraying a false narrative that I don't understand where he's going with that. His smile drops and he releases a disappointed sigh, "I want to meet the rest of my family."

Immediately, "No."

He chuckles, "C'mon, really?"

"I'm not bringing you anywhere near them."

"That's not very familial of you."

"You threatened everyone in my immediate family before I even met you."

"Good point." Silence passes before he leans forward, propping his forearms on the table between us, "Well, how would you like me to make it up to you, brother?"

I huff through my nose, "You keep your distance and we carry on our separate lives as usual."

He purses his lips and shakes his head, "No can do."

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