37. obsessed with me

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                "You keep pacing like that, you're gonna run a track into the floor

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"You keep pacing like that, you're gonna run a track into the floor." Angel says.

To which I respond with a, "Shut the fuck up." He purses his lips and nods. Turning to Dom, still covered in dust from the explosion, the words leave my mouth in a hectic manner, "Have you gotten a location? Anything?"

He shakes his head, "Dean's tracking device was cut off right after the explosion."

Angel scoffs, "Which further proves the fact that he's the one that took Adriano."

The feeling in my stomach wants to combat that. Dean wouldn't be that stupid, he knows we'd come after him until the only thing left of him is his tongue to send to his mother's gravesite.

Damn, I sound like Angel.

I finally take a seat.

"I'm not so sure about that." Luca voices his own concern, but Angel isn't hearing it.

"The asshole tricked his way into our home, blew up a building with children in it, sent threats to the entire family... you think taking Adriano is a stretch?"

It's quiet, everyone mulling over his words with silent contemplation.

A freshly showered Farrah finally enters the room, Serina in her grasp. Despite the somber nature of the room, Nico's eyes still manage to light up at the sight of his wife and daughter who's put on his lap.

He kisses Serina's cheeks and Farrah's lips before Farrah herself looks around the table.

I was too anxious to seek comfort in a shower. Adriano is missing. I'm not sure how I even have stable breathing.

"Where's the last place Dean's tracking device was located?" She asks, staring at the touch screen table with furrowed brows.

Luca leans forward and adjusts what we're looking at on the map, a red dot right outside of the building we were in indicating the tracker's last location. "Not much direction in this."

Nico narrows his eyes as he bounces his daughter on his lap, "Is Adri's phone on?"

Angel removes something from his pocket, a banged-up phone - bullet holes littering it, "Found this in the initial scan." Just when I thought I couldn't be more stressed. "Beside the tracker."

Nico sighs and if I didn't know better, I'd say he was starting to lose hope, "You sure that's his?"

The assassin nods, "Matches the serial number in our system."

"What do we know?" Luca cuts in, sensing the increasing tension in the room.

I, on the other hand, am starting to zone out. My head is beginning to hurt, my body is tensing up, and my uterus feels like it's about to burst out of my body. One kick against my stomach becomes five too many.

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