31. pretend it doesn't exist

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               When I touched down in Las Vegas, I was ready to go back home to Adalena

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When I touched down in Las Vegas, I was ready to go back home to Adalena. My skin itches with the urge to turn around and order the plane to go back to Italy, but before I could even think about it, I was being nagged in the back of my head to continue on.

Where the nagging came from? It might have been Adalena calling me as soon as I touched down to make sure I wasn't changing my mind about the entire thing.

Of course, she timed my flight and practically read my mind even halfway across the world. One of the many reasons I love her.

The drive to the casino was filled with me texting her constantly to calm her nerves. If I didn't know any better, I would've just had her on FaceTime but then she'd be crying and the temptation to go back home would've been overwhelming.

By the time I got to The Sierra, it was almost five in the morning and the sun was beginning the rise, the time change setting in on my body. It should be afternoon in Sicily and something tells me that Adalena hasn't gone back to sleep since I left.

With time to kill and sleep to be had, I attempt to make my way up to my penthouse, greeting the workers by name along the way. Except, I never really make it up there.

I'm, instead, stopped by an unfamiliar face. A face I was hoping I wouldn't have to come into contact with until I've, at least, gotten six hours of sleep, but I guess we can't always get what we want.

"It's early." I find myself saying upon the sudden sight of the man that apparently can't catch a hint. He's my height, brown hair heavily slicked back and hazel eyes staring at me like I killed his cat. His short moment of silence allows me the time to think about it. Of course. This must be Dean Kory. If the look in his eye wasn't enough of a hint, then I don't know what is. "You're early."

He smirks, almost menacingly, as a scare tactic, I should say, but all it does is annoy me.

Talk your shit, asshole, since that's all you know to do.

He exhales sharply and extends his hand for me to shake it. My brows furrow as he speaks, "I must say, Adriano, I am a big fan." I ignore his gesture but all that does is make his smile widen, "I admire how you put on a false appearance to hide who you really are. I was never as blessed as a kid. Maybe it has to do with the lack of childhood trauma."

My head tilts. Oh? I can tell Adalena has had an influence on me throughout the years we've known each other because I don't immediately draw my gun and shoot this man in his big ass head.

I almost want to laugh at his gall. I haven't even had a drink in me yet, but okay. That's how this will go then. I quickly look toward a bartender and they nod before preparing my usual.

"How was your flight?" He continues to pester as he plops himself down on one of the seats in the lounge. My jaw clenches and I have to stop myself from summoning my inner Angel. It's too early for all of this. "I'm sure it must have been hard to leave home. Hear it's beautiful in Sicily this time of year."

"Yes," I muse, "It is nice when you have everything you've ever wanted, right?" His smile doesn't fall but I don't have time to linger on it when a waitress approaches with my drink - bourbon neat. I thank her and she walks off before I turn to him, "Planning a visit any time soon?"

He shrugs, "Waiting until it's . . . less crowded. Not a fan of people being in places I belong."

"Is that where the lack of childhood trauma shows itself?" I arch a brow, "The entitlement? I'm sure you always got everything you ever asked for as a ragazzino."

"Not everything," He leans forward, "Never got the siblings I asked for."

I could choose to believe he's an only child or I could just go along with whatever bullshit story he's coming up with. I decide on the latter - I want to see where this goes.

The look he gives me is one of curiosity. One that makes me narrow my eyes.

"You see, I've been keeping my eyes on you. Bet you don't even remember me from college." He tilts his head, "Adalena didn't and you two were practically attached at the hip so obviously, I'm nothing but a face in a sea of people that don't matter to you." I can't even pretend to recognize him.

In college, my eyes were set on one person, and everyone else was seemingly collateral. And that's if he's even telling the truth about whatever the hell he's talking about.

I say nothing and allow him to continue.

"Something about you was so familiar. So . . . close. So, I did my research," He licks his lips, "Spoke to my single mother who had enough money in the world to buy my way into three Ivy Leagues ten times over, yet I'd never seen her work a day in her life." My brows furrow as I down the rest of my drink. "Turns out she'd lived in Chicago, got fucked over by this big boss who had a wife and a couple of kids back in Italy. Of course, he didn't want that shit to get out and he doesn't believe in killing women, so when she found out that she was pregnant with a bastard son, what does he do?" I huff, having a hard time believing any of this, "He pays her off like the asshole he is."

Resting my glass on the table between us, my eyes darken, "If you're implying that you are some long-lost brother of ours, you are greatly mistaken, Mr. Kory. My father is a smart man but he would never be able to keep another family of his under wraps."

His teeth grind as he scoffs, "Because he never cared about his other family, Adriano. It's a lot easier to hide something when you pretend it doesn't exist."

Silence passes between us as the information sinks in. I don't believe him. Or at least, not fully. I wouldn't actually put it past my dad to keep something like this under wraps but all it does is make me sad for my mother and what was being kept from her. She gave her all to the family, only for my father to betray her like it was nothing.

Still, I can't get past the main problem, "You threatened my family."

He shrugs nonchalantly, "How else would I have gotten your attention?"

realized most of this book was fillers so now everything is gonna be moving kinda fast toward the end 😶

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realized most of this book was fillers so now everything is gonna be moving kinda fast toward the end 😶

y'all think dean is telling the truth?

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