17. pretzels and hugs

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              "What the fuck is wrong with you, Adri?" The man whispers to himself as he watches the woman he loves munch on her fourth bag of pretzels, dipping them into a bowl of melted cheese

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              "What the fuck is wrong with you, Adri?" The man whispers to himself as he watches the woman he loves munch on her fourth bag of pretzels, dipping them into a bowl of melted cheese.

"Exactly!" Adalena cries, "What the fuck is wrong with her?" She'd been ranting about her mother for a good thirty minutes, starting from her childhood memories. The conversation was brought up when Adriano asked a simple question but Lena's mood swings saw to it that they stay on the topic for as long as she deems fit. "Like how the fuck are you gonna throw my Barbie doll away because she was skinnier than you, you meanie?"

The tears came not long after she started her rant. She'd been shoveling the pretzels into her mouth and Adriano was honestly surprised she hadn't choked on a crumb or a salt grain yet.

He'd never seen someone eat and cry at the same time.

"Meanie..." He whispers to himself yet again. He's concerned, to say the least. Her hormones are not on her side.

After a quick doctors appointment and finding out that she was three weeks pregnant, he didn't expect that she'd be so emotional so quickly. With all the reading he did, he expected it at the six week threshold but he guesses all bodies are different.

"Breathe, bambina." He says softly, leaning forward to rub her back. "Stand up."

She says nothing, blowing her nose as she complies. He takes her seat before taking hold of her and putting her on his warm lap. She sobs into his chest, head pounding as she mumbles out teary words.

"I know, amore." He sighs, because he does. His own father was an asshole — even being part of the reason he has a mark across his face. It was a blessing he died before he could ruin his grandkid's life. Martina, on the other hand... he wished on everything that she could somehow come back to life.

Unfortunately, that's not how life works.

And Adriano couldn't be more pissed.

• • •

              The sun was freshly risen by the time Adalena and Adriano arrived in Sicily. Lena's tears had dried but she didn't stop eating — now indulging in a container of black grapes.

Adriano descends the steps after her, watching as she waves to Antonio who stands by the back door of the car with a wide smile on his face.

"Signora Washington." He nods in greeting, watching as she approached him with open arms.

"Toni!" She exclaims in excitement and Adriano can't help but to chuckle in adoration. The security guard takes the woman into a wholesome embrace, laughing as she laughs. "Come stai, mio ​​buon signore?" (How are you, my good sir?)

There was something about how fluent Adalena sounded in his primary language that made him horny. Everything about her makes him horny.

"Sto bene. E tu?" (I am well. And you?)

"Better now that I'm seeing you, big guy."

Adriano chuckles as he approaches the two. The rest of the guards are scattered, sunglasses over their eyes as they continuously scan the area. Some head to the jet to collect the bags.

"Everyone home?" Adriano questions though he's sure he already knows the answer. Everyone is always home.

Adalena pulls away, allowing Antonio to answer, "Si, Capo."

Adriano smirks down at Adalena who pops another grape into her mouth and offers the container to Antonio, "You haven't met the other women of the family yet, have you?"

Adalena arches a brow, "Other women?"

The accountant nods and kisses her forehead, "Yes, ma'am."

you already know antonio needs his cameo in every book

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you already know antonio needs his cameo in every book

very very short but i wanted to update before i went to sleep 😊

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