40. two minutes

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               "I can't do this without him!" A screech escapes me as nurses file in with different materials and a mobile incubator

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               "I can't do this without him!" A screech escapes me as nurses file in with different materials and a mobile incubator.

"Lena, you'll do great." Farrah caresses my hand with reassurance but that does nothing to calm my nerves. Especially when tears flee my ducts and rush down my cheeks.

"I need Adriano." I sob almost immediately, "I need him or my mom or —" My entire body shakes as I'm prompted to lay on the bed, but not because of the extreme chill that shoots through me. It's the feeling that I'm alone. And I know I'm not - Farrah and Remi stand on both sides of me, hands gripping mine as I try to breathe through the pain. But not having the father of my kids here or even safe is enough to leave me reeling.

And my mom.

While we haven't spoken in a while, I thought - for some insane reason - that she would be here, waiting to see her grandkids. Or even standing outside of the door with that pensive and judgmental look on her face. But, at least she'd be here.

This, along with the contraction that suddenly hits, is what pushes me to release a dramatic exclamation, "Fuck!"

               When the smoke clears, the boots and suits on the floor become more visible — they match the uniforms of the men that invaded the gala

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               When the smoke clears, the boots and suits on the floor become more visible — they match the uniforms of the men that invaded the gala.

It's quiet in the building so when Angel notices, he arches a brow at his brothers, a proud look on his face from his deduction.

Luca just rolls his eyes and follows one of their soldiers who was scouting one of the hallways.

The building is cleared of any trace of furniture, just a single bucket by the wall where a man is slumped over, blood pooling under him.

Right beside the dead man is what looks to be a crack in the wall. It runs up in a straight line and forms a rectangle — if it didn't blend in as much as it did, Angel would've assumed it was just that, a crack in the wall.

But the closer he steps, the more he notices the door.

He raises a hand to the people behind him, quickly grabbing their attention.

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