36. not lying to you

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               "Hi, sweetheart

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               "Hi, sweetheart." I coo at Serina as I cradle her in my hold.

Farrah releases a heavy sigh as she hunches over and holds a hand up, "See, this is why I don't work out."

"Well, I'm glad to be your moral support," I mumble as I kiss the young girl's forehead for the countless time since Farrah left her with me as she went on a run around the compound. Remi is further back, talking to Luca quietly, a broad smile on her face as she stares up at him.

They're absolutely adorable, which leads me to question when he will pop the question. But, I guess that's none of my business.

Apparently, nothing's my business these days — especially who shot up the restaurant three days ago. The most Adri gave me was that it was the Germans but this family has far too many enemies for that to be any help.

Farrah finally straightens her back and raises her arms above her head to get the blood flowing, "I've gone too long without trying to work off this baby weight."

I kiss my teeth, "Cut yourself some slack. You have other priorities, such as your baby."

"I had her almost a year ago." She notes, "More than enough time to lose some of this." Pointing to the barely visible fat on her belly, I roll my eyes but she continues, "I need to do something."

I tilt my head, a thought coming to me, "What do you think is going to happen after all this?"

"What do you mean?"

I shrug and rub Serina's belly as she rests her head on my shoulder, "After all the conflict is gone, do you think Luca is going to propose? Do you think you and Nico will have more kids? I mean, what's going to happen between me and Adri? You think I could go back and continue my job? What about that asshole living in the guest room?"

She bites her lip, "The conflict is never really over though, is it?" Finally taking a seat beside me, she rests a hand on top of mine, "The best we can do is see what happens when the time comes, which might not be the best strategy, but it's what we got."

A huff escapes my nose as I arch a brow, "That's not very encouraging."

Farrah sends me a look, "As you can see, I'm in a very encouraging mood." Then a second passes, her gaze transferring to her Apple Watch, "Don't we have something to get ready for?"

Right. There is no surprise that the boys' mother was a beloved matriarch in Sicily, hence why a local charity in the city that she often donated to has planned a gala in her honor. We each, separately, donated a good share of our bank accounts ahead of time but it's sweet to know that they're doing something good with it.

"Shi- Cra- Dang." I can't tell if each correction was more appropriate than what I began with, but I'm running too late to fully care.

Sure, it doesn't start for another four hours, but carrying two babies at once is the easiest way to become sluggish. And Lord knows I'd rather just lay in bed and watch my shows.

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