39. who says

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"I can't do this by myself

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"I can't do this by myself." I choke through my words, trying to calm myself down, but I can't. My mind is so overwhelmed by the fact that the man I love is nowhere to be found.

Farrah's worried stare is what keeps me from throwing myself out the window. What if I just jumped?

"Stop thinking about jumping." The Donna warns as if she can read my mind. I resist the urge to shake my head in pain and frustration. Another sharp stab of pain shoots through me.

I hold up a finger, "Just one foot. Please."

Remi rolls her eyes at my pleas, "Lena, lay down before you go into labor."

"Am I not?" I grunt out as she sighs and stands to take my hand and lead me to sit down.

She shakes her head, "No, it's Braxton Hicks. The doctor just said it."

As if she expected me to be paying attention. What with the many strenuous situations staring me in the eye, I don't know how I'm even following her advice and taking a seat on the hospital bed. I adjust the gown they had me put on, "He probably only said that because it's so early."

Rather than argue with me, Remi nods unconvincingly, "Yeah, maybe —"

"I mean, I'm not even 25 weeks yet. How am I supposed to do this? What if I do go into labor? What happens then?" I find myself rambling, "And Adriano isn't even here. He's in someone's fucking basement being tortured and in pain and wondering if I'm okay and I'm here wondering if he's okay and if the boys are gonna find him and if he'll be here in time if I do end up going into labor and — ow —"

"Okay, Adalena, you know what we're gonna do?" Farrah finally cuts me off as I wince in pain, "We're going to get a nurse in here to check your blood pressure and fetal heart rate." Her tone is so soothing and reminds me of the fact that she was a nurse once upon a time. Especially when she leans me forward and begins to fluff my pillow. "You're stressing yourself out and before you know it, you might just be in labor."

So much for trying to keep me calm. If anything, my breathing accelerates and my heart races.

"Farrah, you're not helping." A whimper escapes me at the sharp stab in my side, "Fuck."

It's searing. Pain shoots through me like I've never felt before.

"It hurts so much." I lean back and press a hand to my stomach.

Farrah presses the call button on the side of the bed and Remi watches carefully, "We're getting a nurse in here, okay?"

Farrah presses the call button on the side of the bed and Remi watches carefully, "We're getting a nurse in here, okay?"

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