27. how i see you

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               The night sky holds the moon, the sound of crickets chirping as the white noise of my meditation

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The night sky holds the moon, the sound of crickets chirping as the white noise of my meditation. My feet hang in the water and one of Adriano's letters is in my grasp.

It was almost midnight and judging by the fact that Adriano hasn't come searching for me, he was either still in his office or watching me from his window that overlooks the family pool.

I just go for the former to settle some of my spirits even though I can feel the eyes on me. I'm too unsettled to look back.

I didn't tell him. I couldn't. The moment was too emotional with him grieving, I couldn't pile another distressing situation on him.

I have to wait it out. At least until tomorrow.

In the meantime, my eyes scan the words in front of me.

October 1, 2012 —

I can't help the smile that grows on my face. I remember what happened this day.

I've known you for two months and still learn new things about you daily. Things I'm glad I know.

1. You hate when people talk over you. Loren learned that the hard way.

Loren was my obnoxious roommate in my first year. She loved to make her voice be heard, even at the expense of the people around her.

2. You hate being led in the wrong direction, especially by people that don't know you.

3. You hate repeating yourself.

I'm glad he knows.

Sure, this list is of things you hate. But when you love something? Oh, you love it immensely. Example: you love dogs.

I've never seen you light up the way you did when Chase walked on campus with his dog. I don't know when you'll read these and I doubt you'd forget a moment like this but let me jog your memory.

He was a small Pomeranian that loved to bark. He was loud and not too kind to strangers. You managed to calm him down and said he reminded you of yourself. I severely doubted it because you were quiet. At least, you were to me.

Your voice is so soft-spoken and despite how soft you sound, you always find a way to make your voice heard. That's the thing. You thought you were loud without a purpose. I know that your purpose is more than you could ever imagine. We both saw you in a different light.

I can catch you staring down at your stomach that you whispered to yourself that you hated but I could rack my brain for years to figure out why and come up absolutely empty. You saw and picked at what you saw as your flaws. You saw your skin, your voice, and your hair as flaws and imperfections.

I never saw you as anything less than perfect. And I know this sounds corny and I know you might be cringing right now because you hate when people say corny things but I can't help it.

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