02. bubble baths and invitations

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               I should really get some more friends, was Adalena's thought as she sits in her bathtub, shea butter scented suds surrounding her exfoliated skin

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I should really get some more friends, was Adalena's thought as she sits in her bathtub, shea butter scented suds surrounding her exfoliated skin. She has a moisturizing mask on and her thirty inch lace front is clipped up above the water.

Most of her weekend was this, indulging in her newest obsession on Netflix, Good Girls, trying out new vegan meals ...

Adalena isn't closed off, but she, somehow seems to find ways to alienate people she knows. Be it overworking or jealousy towards her, but none of her past friendships worked out.

All except Adriano. He knows how to handle her, knows how to bring her back down to earth. He centers her.

She closes her eyes at the sound of her front door opening. She'd gotten used to the sound of his footsteps in her penthouse — almost like a reflex after living with strict parents.

She can sense him at the door of her bathroom, burning his stare into the side of her face.

"You're back." Is her greeting.

"Only for a day. I need to go to Italy." Adriano has taken her to his home country many times so the invitation was nothing surprising. "Come with me."

The woman shakes her head, popping another bubble by her knee, "I assume this has to do with that problem in New York?" She glances at him. He nods. She takes a second to inspect him, running her eyes up and down his body — a comfortable jacket is over his skin tight shirt, a pair of sweatpants, and some Jordan ones. She sucks in a breath. "I have meetings."

He tilts his head and Adalena pushes her thighs together in thought.

"Do you really think you have time for a baby, Lena?" He questions, thinking about the fact that she can't spare a couple of days to spend time with him.

She smiles, "I'll make time."

Adriano scoffs in amusement. He steps closer and closer and closer until he's right beside her naked body, the bubbles covering all her private parts. He squats, careful not to crease his shoes. Taking her glass of champagne, he downs it, licking his lips when he's done. She watches in intrigue and slight lust.

"You could've asked." She teases, lifting her hand to place soap on his nose.

"Could've." He shrugs his jacket off then with his arm now free of cloth, he dips his hand under the water, fingers immediately finding her skin. "Tell me more about this baby plan of yours."

Adalena fights back a shiver, feeling as he inches closer down to where she wanted him most.

"I made an appointment with my doctor." She starts, "Just a consultation before I start —"

He circles her belly button.

"Start thinking about who —"

He brushes her pelvis.

"Who —" His touch feathers her clit, "You're throwing me off, Adri."

He dips his head into her neck, pressing wet kisses to her sweet spot that he'd memorized. "Parlami, tesoro. (Talk to me, sweetheart)."

It's when he dips his finger into her hole that she allows the words to slip from her tongue, "Give me a baby."

She'd expected Adriano to reel back in shock or at least pause in surprise, but no. He continues to kiss her neck, finger pushing in and out of her as she curls into him.

"Okay." He breathes out as his other hand wraps around her torso, pulling her into him.

Now Adalena is shocked. She wants to pull back and look at him, try to analyze why he'd agreed so easily but he adds another finger and her eyes squeeze shut and he curls them up with each thrust and she tenses as she feels the rush approaching.

Adriano senses this, draws his head back and watches as the woman he loves falls apart on his fingers.

When Lena finally calms down, fingers pulling at her mask, she turns to the man who just agreed to her haphazard proposal.

"Are you sure?" She questions.

Adriano stands, pulls off the rest of his clothes and lowers himself into the spacious bathtub across from her. "Come here." She doesn't hesitate to put herself on his lap, feeling as his erection pokes at her entrance. He cradles her face, smirking when she leans into him. "I'm sure."

hey y'all lmfaoo i promise there's more to this

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hey y'all lmfaoo i promise there's more to this

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