12. donuts and meetings

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               As the CEO steps into the building, the air immediately shifts from a lighthearted nature to a tense one

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               As the CEO steps into the building, the air immediately shifts from a lighthearted nature to a tense one.

She was stressed. Of course she was. Why wouldn't she be? She'd been filled more than a jelly donut the past three weeks and still couldn't feel any bodily changes or see a positive result for the many tests she did take.

She was close to giving up. So close.

Of course the thought came to her that she wasn't cut out for motherhood, but despite how many times she'd allowed those words to leave her mouth and flood her mind, she can always count on Adriano to shut her up.

Whether with his words, his lips, or his lengthy appendage.

By the time she got to her office, she was ready to go back to her condo. But she'd already missed so many days, she felt like she was going insane without it.

Catching a glance at the mirror she keeps on her desk, she tries to ignore the stress pimple on her forehead. She could use some coffee. And some dick.

And maybe a donut. Or three.

And just like she manifested it, her assistant Henry walks in, a box of coffee shop donuts and a tray of coffee cups in his grasp.

"Oh, God bless." She coos as he sets everything down on her desk. She licks her lips, glad that her stomach can get a chance to stop growling. "Thank you, Henry."

He nods, "Well, can't let my boss starve, can I?"

She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face, "You're too kind."

"That's what I'm paid for." He jokes and plops himself down in front of her.

If Adalena were to say that she had a single friend that was Adriano, she would bring Henry to the stage. He'd been her assistant from the beginning of her success and knew almost everything about her (well, all that she allowed him to know) except for the current process she was submerged in.

She dives into her jelly filled donut, suppressing the laugh that threatens to escape her at the irony.

Henry bats his eyes at her and sips from his own cup of hot tea, "Sorry to ruin the mood but you do have a last-minute meeting today."

Adalena says nothing and just nods. It is her job, after all. Tired is what she is, but a boss bitch is what she pretends to be. Especially when Henry continues.

"He's a domestic investor, been in town for a couple of weeks and looking for a bigger profit than what he has on the East Coast." Henry explains, reading through the email on his phone. "Very attractive, by the way."

Lena scoffs, "Didn't know I paid you to gawk too."

Henry rolls his eyes, "Don't have to." He scrolls down, "The meeting is set for seven."

"PM?" Lena asks in surprise.

"It was the only time you were free today and I know you weren't planning on leaving until late anyway so I went ahead and made it for you."

Lena knows he's right. Once she's here, it's often hard for her to leave.

"Fine." She settles and motions to the half empty cup she'd already partially drained, "Can you get me more coffee please?"

"Coming right up."

"Fucking Henry," Adalena mumbles as she paces the floor in her heels, "Didn't even give me the folder." Her desk is practically empty as she tries to scan for the folder that would hold the investor's information, both his offer and his biography.

Henry didn't even tell her his name.

She hated being unprepared.

The sun was in the process of setting, allowing an orange glare to settle on the high-rise office. The day was long and overproductive but Adalena couldn't be more awake right now.

Before she can allow herself to take a seat, there's a knock at her door and judging by the pattern, it's the man she was mentally cursing out.

"Come in." Without looking up, she scoffs, "Henry, have you ever had a Stuart Weitzman stiletto stuck in your mouth because that's what's about to happen if you don't get me this man's folder."

A throat is cleared and as far as Adalena knows, that throat doesn't belong to her assistant. Looking up, she spots him standing by the door but standing directly in her office, is a familiar face.

The face that tried to flirt with her at the auction weeks ago. He's even more handsome in the haze that sets upon him but Adalena can't help but compare him to the man whose face she sits on every night.

This man has nothing on Adriano.

He smirks, "I didn't send in a folder so I guess I'm the problem." Without the hum of music playing, she can now hear an accent in his words — a British accent. It's seemingly light, like he just learned how to use it.

Adalena narrows her eyes, "We here accrue our own information but my assistant," she glares at Henry whose eyes widen, "has failed to do so. You, whoever you are, have nothing to do with it."

The man tilts his head, green eyes sparkling under the disappearing sun. Before he can say anything, Henry purses his lips, "I'm gonna... go now." And leaves before Adalena can reprimand him.

Now caught in silence between the two, Lena rolls her eyes and turns to the man, "What's your name, sir?"

He stares at her a moment before looking away and licking his lips, "Dean Kory."

Adalena is unfazed. "And how may I help you, Mr. Kory?"

He steps closer to the floor to ceiling windows and casts his gaze to the beautiful view ahead of him, "I have a proposal for you."

Adalena remains standing, her eyes now trailing his suit covered back. "A business proposal? I have enough of those to worry about which you should know about considering your career, so come correct or don't come at all."

"No." He says vaguely, "Not a business proposal." He pauses and Adalena tilts her head in anticipation for his next words. "A marriage one."

did i fall asleep four times while writing this? maybe

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did i fall asleep four times while writing this? maybe

i just wanted to get an update out because i do, in fact, have something else in my drafts that i kinda wanna start

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