25. sort this out

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Friday. The Sierra.
Hope to see you there, Adriano.

               Adriano can't help but clench his jaw after reading the small sheet of paper over and over. And over. One of the gardeners found it hiding in the bushes while giving the grass a trim and didn't think much of it, bringing it to his boss in hopes that it was just a random note.

But Adriano knew who it was immediately after glancing at the handwriting. Hence why he called Adalena down to the office.

At first, he wanted to keep her out of this, pretend he didn't even get it, and just move on, but something told him the meeting feels mandatory. And not on Kory's side — no, Adriano needs to go so he can kill who he needs to kill and get this whole thing over with.

He felt Adalena needs to know that, at the very least. But from the look of it, she doesn't want to know. Matter of fact, he completely regrets even calling her down here because now her hands can't stop shaking and she keeps tapping the ball of her socked foot on the floor with anxiousness.


She casts her gaze to the window that has a clear view of the freshly cut grass and bites her lip in thought before turning back to her baby daddy.

"What does he want?" She doesn't allow him to answer before she jumps up from her seat and begins to pace, the words now tumbling from her tongue at a rapid pace, "I mean I know I've asked this so many times, but what is the obsession? Huh? Why is he so caught up in your business? Where the hell is he? Now he wants to meet up at your casino? What the hell is his plan?"

"If I knew the answer to any of the questions you're asking, he wouldn't be alive right now, Lena." Adriano leans back in his seat and releases a sigh, eyes stuck on the note.

He can't even say Adalena is asking too much of him, because she's not. She's just concerned, and rightfully so. Even he is starting to doubt himself and his ability to find the man spending the rest of his very short life tormenting a mafia family.

She rolls her eyes, not noticing the somber look on his face, too caught up in her own distress. "I can't take this, Adri."

"I know, Lena." He massages the bridge of his nose. "Come here." She stands and looks at him and he arches a brow in response, "Come here, my love."

Finally complying, she approaches him and lowers herself onto the seat that is on his lap. He rests a gentle hand on her belly and the other on her hip, pulling her close to him. So close that they practically recycle the air between them.

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