13. bait and demands

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Adalena's eyes remain on the man as she processes his words

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Adalena's eyes remain on the man as she processes his words.

Enough processing.

"Absolutely not." He hasn't even formally proposed yet she shot down every intention.

Mr. Kory, however, allowed the words to enter one ear and pass through the other. He chuckles and turns to face her, watching as she lowers herself onto her seat and crosses one leg over the other.

"I'm sure the offer will intrigue you if you feel so inclined to know more."

"I don't." She deadpans. "Now do you know your way out or do I need to call security to help you, Mr. Kory?"

"Please," He steps closer to the desk by the window, glass bottles of expensive liquor sitting atop it, "Call me Dean."

"Mr. Kory," She deadpans with a fake chuckle as he opens the bottle and pours it into a clean glass. She watches his every move, especially the movement of his fingers, "Respectfully, who gave you the right to walk in here and make demands?"

"I've demanded nothing, love." He says and she crosses her legs. He approaches her, placing the now filled glass of bourbon in front of her. She doesn't touch it. She can't, after all. "I've requested that you hear me out. Nothing more." He sips his own drink and leans back against the desk, his body hovering over hers. She leans back in her chair, allowing space between them. He smirks, "Permission to speak, my lady?"

She tilts her head, smile falling, "I am not your lady. What I am is annoyed so speak."

Dean downs the rest of his bourbon before glancing at her untouched glass, "Not thirsty?"

She doesn't allow a second to pass before she responds. "No."

"Okay." He says before taking her drink and sipping on it, "As you ever so graciously stated weeks ago, you are a woman that is hard to get. Hard to get in contact with as well. Took me four months to get a meeting with you yet you brush me off like a pest."

"What do you want, Mr. Kory?" She is tired of the small talk.

"To marry you." Adalena doesn't have a second to react before he continues, "Have children with you, a healthy lineage to carry on our joint empire. Clear your name in the circles of bad men and elevate your wellbeing by being with me -"

She holds a hand up, "Excuse me. Clear up my name?"

He hums, a smile growing on his face but Adalena is too annoyed to swoon at how handsome this man is.

"Yes, Adalena Phoenix Washington. Clear your name." He rests a hand on the back of her chair and leans closer to her, his face just inches away from hers, "You don't think your relationship with Adriano Santino is on full display with all the events you attend together? For such a smart woman, you're terrible at hiding things."

Adalena rolls her eyes, "I have nothing to hide, Mr. Kory. Mr. Santino and I are friends and have been since college. It might not seem like it considering you don't know what it feels like to have people care about you and your marriage proposals, but we know each other."

"Like you know his business?"

Adalena scoffs, "He owns a casino, what about it?"

"No," Dean smirks and inches closer, eyes scanning hers, "He doesn't just own a casino, does he?"

Adalena is good at poker faces but this man is staring into her soul with everything he has. So much so that she finds her lips pursed and brows furrowed.

"I've done a lot of research on you and the people you surround yourself with, Ms. Washington." He continues, "You try to put on an innocent front but I know who you are."

She scans his face, curious to hear the rest of what he has to say, "And who am I?"

He dips a finger between her skin and her necklace she'd received from Adriano himself. Her chest heaves.

"You are a criminal ... just like him."

Adalena fights the urge to laugh. His baiting tactics aren't enough to make her completely transform her values. He's trying to catch her in the act, but the question she has...

Leaning even closer, she smirks, "And who are you, Dean?"

"I am your future husband, Adalena."

"And why would I accept your proposal?"

"To keep your best kept secret a secret."

"I have nothing to hide."

"Except for the fact that your best friend is partially in charge of one of the biggest Italian crime families on the globe." Adalena flashes her gaze between his two irises, thoughts racing in her mind. "This power and influence you have ..." His hand moves from her necklace to wrap around her throat and sternly hold her head in place, "I want it and I'm sure you feel inclined to give it after this conversation."

"I don't." She deadpans stubbornly.

"So obstinate." He tightens his grip and Adalena resists the urge to smile. Regardless of who has a hand around her throat, she can never help but to enjoy it — crazy or not. Maybe she's the crazy one. "We'll fix that later."

With that, he tucks his hand into his suit blazer and pulls out a sealed black envelope before placing it on the desk.

"It would be a shame if all that power went down the drain with all that we both know. And as far as I know, this is the best investment your business will ever receive." He winks before tapping the envelope once and leaving the room.

The boss woman sits in silence for a moment, eyes stuck on the letter as she bites her lip.

She'd never moved faster than when she felt the urge to throw up. In one swift move, she grabs her trash can from under the desk and hunches over, releasing her breakfast.

 In one swift move, she grabs her trash can from under the desk and hunches over, releasing her breakfast

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now what if i turned this into a poly book... 🧍🏾‍♀️👀 cause why do i kinda fw dean?

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