10. skipping and staring

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               When Adalena woke up, she felt weighed down by the arm wrapped around her belly

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When Adalena woke up, she felt weighed down by the arm wrapped around her belly. She doesn't even have to look to know who it belongs to, considering she can smell his scent intertwined in the messy sheets.

As she shifts slightly, so does he, pulling her closer to his warm chest, his five o'clock shadow rough against her flushed cheek. She's tired but she knows she slept in.

Anytime past seven is enough rest for her, no matter what time she closed her eyes and as she sneaks a glance at the clock beside her, she sees she's had more than enough.

The curtains block out the sunlight but she doesn't care too much about wasting time. She likes where she lays. Especially when she turns her head and catches a perfect view of the man sleeping beside her.

Freckles splatter against his red cheeks, eyelashes full and long, lips plump and perfect, scar faded yet a prominent feature on his handsome face. If she could spend her whole day staring at him, kissing him, admiring him, she would.

Not just his appearance, but his soul. She loves the way he loves, she loves the way he cares, she loves the way he dreams and the way he sleeps and the way he helps and the way he looks at her and holds her and listens to her.

She blinks, lashes fluttering as she stares at his mouth, lips twitching as he finds himself waking up.

"Your eyes are too pretty to be stuck on a man like me." His morning voice expels as he runs a hand up her body to her bonnet covered head. His eyes remain closed.

She licks her lips, savoring in the scent of his toothpaste still fresh on his tongue, "You're worth it."

He exhales through his nose, "I'm not."

She reaches up, hands cradling his face as she forces him to open his eyes. His hazel irises meet her brown ones. "You are."

Silence passes between the two, the eye contact creating more awkwardness than it dispels it. Adriano smirks as he attempts to fix the moment without exposing himself, though he's not sure how much more of that he could do.

He kisses her lips, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're falling in love with me."

Adalena chuckles, "Sounds like you're projecting."

He taps her ass before rubbing it gently, his hips pushing into hers as he feels his morning wood rise from memories of last night.

"That doesn't sound like me." He teases, reaching his hand down and through to brush against her wetness. He loves her pussy, how wet she gets just for him. How tight she is when he's inside of her, how she tastes, how she takes care of herself, though he doubts that would've changed how he feels about her anyway.

She dips her head into the crook of his neck and pecks his skin before turning over and pushing her back against his chest. She arches her back so they're lined up but he does nothing, only rests his hand on her hip and caresses her.

"I have a meeting in an hour." She mumbles, trying to get him to speed up.

He kisses the nape of her neck and snakes his arm around her body to gently tap her clit, "Skip it."

"I can't."

"You can."

When he slips into her, a moan escapes her and five words drip from her tongue like honey, "Okay, I can skip it."

• • •

               "You're turning me into a Twinkie." Adalena mumbles as she feels Adriano's dick pulsate inside of her. They reached their highs moments ago but chose to stay connected out of laziness.

He rubs her left breast as he holds her entire body against his and kisses the side of her neck, "Hmm, my favorite dessert."

Adalena rolls her eyes and laughs, "Corny." Taking a hold of her best friend's other hand, she traces his tattoos, the moment becoming somber as she kisses his knuckles, "Why are you doing this for me?"

He snuggles further into her, pulling the sheet down a bit, "Because you asked me to."

"But you could've said no."

"Could've, but I didn't." He says, a brief moment of silence passing before he breathes in through his nose, "You deserve everything you wish for, Lena. I'm just helping you with this one."

ughhhhh this is messy for my homeboy adri

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ughhhhh this is messy for my homeboy adri

also, if you haven't seen, i did publish angel's book but i won't start updating until im finished with this one - whenever that may be

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