In the half an hour that led up to the race, numerous calls were made by people around us.
"He's back."
"His first race in ages."
"Get the entire gang. They don't want to miss this."
"Come quick. Xavier Anderson is racing again."
I could see Xavier trying to ignore all the murmuring and whispers around him but it was getting a little difficult considering the crowd around us had thickened greatly. Also, by the sound of it, more people were going to come to the tracks to witness this race.
"Is Xavier racing really that big a deal?" Penelope asked, shocked.
"You have no idea," Roy said with a proud expression. "If I'd known that all it'll take for you to get back to racing was for me to lose to Ryan, I would've done it long ago Xav.'
Xavier rolled his eyes at that.
"Kelsi dropped a bomb out there though," Jerko said.
"I know right," Simon replied as he put an arm around her waist. "But I'm proud of her for standing up against Ryan like that."
"You should be thankful to her, more than anything," David said. "It's only because of her that Xavier is racing again."
"Well, she was also the idiot because of whom he stopped in first place," Roy said playfully.
Kells slapped his arm at that."I was just protecting my brother."
"He was just teasing, Kells," I said with a small smile. "We know."
"Xav, are you really that good?" Jen asked him, genuinely confused. "Because the people around here are making all this seem as a really big deal."
"No, Jen, not really-"
"Of course he is," Sky cut Xavier off. "Xavier is just too modest for his own good. I've seen a few videos of his past races and trust me when I say this: He's the best you'll ever see."
Xavier smiled at her gratefully as he scratched the back of his neck, too weirded out to give her a proper response.
I tried controlling my laughter at seeing how uncomfortable he got after that compliment. I took his other hand and placed it around my hips as I whispered to him, "You look cute when you're uncomfortable."He pouted at that and pulled me closer, "Of course you'd take joy in my misery."
"Of course," I said to him with a chuckle as I gave him a short kiss.
"Five minutes to go, Xav," David said as we broke away from our embrace.
Xav nodded with determination at that as he too gave me a kiss on my cheek and got ready to leave.
"You've got this, right Xav?" Jen asked him skeptically.
"Don't worry, Jen," he replied with a small smile. "I'm not going to lose, okay?"
She nodded at that as we all wished him luck.
Just before he was going to go out of earshot, Kelsi yelled, "Xav!"He turned at that, confused.
"Kick his ass for me, will you?"
A grin found its way onto his face as he gave her a mischievous wink and walked off to his car which was parked safely on the tracks next to Ryan's.
Whistles and cheers were louder than I had ever heard before as both Xavier and Ryan made their way to the tracks. If it was someone else, I would've been impressed that a person going up against Xavier Anderson managed to gain as many supporters as he did, but this was Ryan we were talking about so all I could do was suck it up and ignore it.

Roman d'amour18 year old Veronica Silverstone has finally reached the point where she has decided to take matters of her love life into her own hands. After countless uncomfortable and embarrassing dates set by her 2 best friends and after her most recent date...