I fiddled with the book charm on my necklace while William blocked 'TheDevil' from my website under my instructions. Will was a junior who needed some extra credit to get promoted to the next grade. Since he was good with computers, Miss Garner asked him to help us manage the website. It was getting a little too much for just two people to handle and Will seemed to know what he was doing pretty well.
"It's done," he said as he looked at me through his spectacles.
"You sure?" I asked him apprehensively. "He wont be able to access my website anymore?"
"Pretty sure. But why don't you trace his roll number back to him and take the matter up with Principal Warner? I don't know what this dude has done, but if he's bothering you....shouldn't you take this to higher authorities?"
"I did, Will. It just traced back to the roll number of an ex student from 10years ago," I said with a sigh. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure its Ryan or one of his minions messing with me. I'm not going to let them get through to me."
"Well, its your choice," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Bye Veronica! I'll see you later!"
"Bye Will!"
On my way back to the parking lot, a million things ran through my mind.
What if this guy was really responsible for Xavier's 'almost accident' or did he somehow come to know about it and was just trying to scare me? Telling Xav about this wasn't a wise choice. He was as it is fighting with Kells and add to that his parents' death anniversary tomorrow, the guy had too much to deal with anyway.
Maybe I should talk to Jerko instead."Well, I would've liked to think that you would've at least been in a better mood after I not only embarrassed myself but also asked you out."
My eyes snapped up to look into his grey ones. Xavier was standing by my dad's Ford with a smirk on his face.
"Where is Jerko? I was supposed to drop him home," I said with a pout. Now I'll have to wait a little longer to talk to him. Great.
"Ouch," he said as he feigned getting hurt by my words. "Your boyfriend is here to ask for a lift from you since he doesn't have his car and you're thinking about another guy?!" he asked sarcastically. "I'm hurt."
I walked up to him and gave him a small peck on his lips. "Well, I'm your girlfriend now. Deal with it," I said with a smirk.
He put my hands on my waist and pulled me closer. "What makes you think that you can start something like that and just finish it whenever you want?" he whispered with a grin.
"About that," I said as I pulled away a little. "We need to talk."
"What's wrong, love?" he asked with a frown as he cupped my jaw.
"I'll tell you in the car," I said as I saw a couple of students stare at us and murmur to each other, obviously wanting the spread the latest gossip.
He nodded as he quickly walked over to the driver's side, wanting to drive instead. I threw him the car keys as I sat shotgun. Within no time, he had started the car and was driving us away.
"Everything is okay, right? " he asked me as his eyebrows scrunched up in worry.
"I guess....It honestly depends on the way you take it in," I said with a little fear lacing my tone. Forget telling him about TheDevil. Telling him about what I was going to say right now was nerve wracking too.
"Hey," he said as he took my left hand in his while his other one was on the steering wheel and gave it a small squeeze in reassurance. "You can tell me anything."

Romance18 year old Veronica Silverstone has finally reached the point where she has decided to take matters of her love life into her own hands. After countless uncomfortable and embarrassing dates set by her 2 best friends and after her most recent date...