"I don't know if this is ridiculous or cool," Jerko said as we saw yet another poster that said 'Team Xavier'.
"Definitely cool," Simon said with a smirk.
"I cant believe how free these people are in their lives to actually make a thing out of this," Sky said.
She was correct, after all. After the entire scene in the auditorium, I got to give my presentation again and I did well too. However, that wasn't the only thing that happened after that.The entire school obviously had their opinions to give after the whole fiasco. Some believed us after they heard a part of Ryan's true side. The others, however, which included his loyal followers backed him up and said that this was another one of my 'stunts' and I was using Xavier to do my 'dirty work'.
This was why there were 'Team Xavier' and 'Team Ryan' posters every step of the way. Because of the people asking the same question to each other all the time, even on my site, 'Whom do you believe'? was now a recommended question that automatically came whenever you chatted with anyone."It's ridiculous how these idiots have made a joke out of my life," I scoffed. "What are they, ten? Fangirling over two guys and torturing a girl for being 'in between' them? They should rather get jobs. Put their times to better use instead."
"Hey," Xav said as he looked at me, concerned. "Just give me the word and I'll make all of this go away."
"How?" I asked him, scrunching my eyebrows.
"Well, I am one of the guys the school is talking so much about. If they really want to get on my good side like these posters suggest, they'll listen to me."
"But why do I feel like you aren't completely on board with that idea?" Jamie asked him.
"Because I'm not," he shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I hate the attention but if this is a way to get more people to listen to Veronica's story and believe her, me getting a little uncomfortable wont get in the way."
I smiled at him gratefully. He really was a great guy.
"I cant imagine what's going to go down at tomorrow's game," Jen said.
The thought had been eating up at me all day too. Tomorrow was our school's football game with our rivaling school - Pearson High. The entire school was already looking forward to this match because this was the match that decided whether or not do we get to play in the inter school football season, but now with Ryan back in the team and Xav being the new Captain, things could easily go downhill considering that the entire school knew that if he wouldn't have been asked to leave school last year, Ryan would have been Captain instead.
"The tension in the team is ridiculous," Jerko piped in. "Xavier tries his best to not let everything happening outside the field hamper the team's play but Ryan seems hell bent on making his life miserable. He's too busy trying to play solo that he often puts the team's position in jeopardy."
"Add to that the fact that Colin practically worships Ryan," Simon sneered. "I've tried to tell him numerous times that the team needs him to be a team player but he's too busy buttering Ryan up."
"Getting the team to win is my job," Xavier said determinedly.
"And keeping Ryan and Colin in check is mine," Jerko said as he nodded at Xavier, conversing through eye contact as if they had pre decided something.
"What?!" Simon whined, sensing that the two of them had some secret agreement. "Why am I not included in your plans?! I am in the team too, you know?"
"We know but we cant let your focus shift too," Xav said. "We need you to be at the best of your game and you are our main scorer. Distracting you with all this will hamper that. Let Austin and I worry about the rest, okay?"

Romantik18 year old Veronica Silverstone has finally reached the point where she has decided to take matters of her love life into her own hands. After countless uncomfortable and embarrassing dates set by her 2 best friends and after her most recent date...